Indonesia- comes from “indos nesos” meaning a thousand islands 17,508 islands 216 million people The country motto is “Bhinneka Tunggal Ika”, which means: Unity in Diversity pages/indonesia.htm
Because of it’s warm and wet climate Indonesia is home to over 30,000 local flowers. Including hibiscus, rhododendrons, orchids, and Busy Lizzies. Also home to the rare jacaranda (shown here) jacaranda-flors3.jpg
Home to many animals, the largest of which is the Asian Elephant. The elephant can be found in the Sumatra Jungle, and the Way Kambas National Park and the Air Sugihan Reserve just south of Sumatra. Indonesia is also home to many other animals including orangutans, bowerbirds, and tarsiers.
Found in the Sumatra Jungle Height and weight similar to that of a man Solitary animal Eats Insects and fruit cat/orangutan- big.jpg
Endangered Species Only 20,000-27,000 left Sleep in a bed made of sticks, and never sleep in the same spot twice.
17% of the world’s bird species inhabit Indonesia In many towns, caged birds can be outside the house, encouraged to sing The sought after Bowerbird is shown here
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