Research indicates that children who enter Kindergarten without ever interacting with books have less chance of success than those who have had such an experience.
To address this concern before children start school, the Flint Hills Resources Community Action Council (FHRCAC) developed a program using a unique approach: engaging and equipping preschooler’s older siblings.
The Early Bird Reader Program launched in 2000 with a goal of improving the literacy rate for children entering Kindergarten.
What is the Early Bird Reader program? The Early Bird Reader Program is a unique collaborative effort between our community, schools, parents and students to insure all of our children have the literacy skills required to successfully launch their school career.
How do you run an EBR program? School librarians at elementary and middle schools teach students how to read to their younger siblings who are not yet in school. They provide them with age-appropriate books which will help to build a family’s home library. Librarians work with these students throughout the year to support and monitor progress.
How do you run an EBR program? EBR Forms are available on the Early Bird Reader website and will be provided to you electronically. website Remind me to launch the website! Many EBR Librarians are willing to help out with your questions and concerns.
Example of ECDC Early Bird Reader set up
How do we get EBR books for our school? Books are donated by the community through book drives and direct donations at area EBR “donation locations” located in area public libraries.
EBR commercial for KIII Book Drive 2012
EBR Objective Outcomes: Increased literacy skills of preschoolers Increased literacy skills of sibling tutors Increased self esteem of preschoolers as they are being nurtured and attended to by an older sibling Increased self esteem of sibling tutors as they provide a valued contribution to their family