New Hampstead ***Please share your slide show hand-out with your parents!
Please review the calendar given to you for our seasons and games. Tryouts begin next week Tuesday, January 21 st and last until Friday, January 24 th The soccer roster will be announced at the end of the school day, Monday, January 27 th. Please come to my room immediately following the 2:55 bell to learn if you have made the team. Wednesday, January we will hold a mandatory parent meeting. Please make sure your parent or guardian is in attendance!
Please be dressed in athletic clothes and plan for the weather. Practice will run from promptly from 3:15-5:15 P.M. Get dressed, grab your things, and head out to the field on time! In the event of inclement weather, practice will not be cancelled! We will work out indoors. Please make sure you have a pair of sneakers at school in the event we must work out indoors.
Being in shape is what will help us win many games in our division. Players who are out of shape will not be asked to join the team this upcoming season. Soccer players participating in basketball or wrestling should attend practice and all games/matches for that sport and finish out your season before moving to soccer.
Before participating in conditioning or our regular season, you must have a physical on file. I will check that you have a physical on file before we begin Tuesday. Please see our trainer, Ms. Erica Schultz for more information on physicals.
Your performance as a student is much more important than your performance as an athlete. School always comes first! You will receive a form to give to your teachers during our try-out week. This form is due next Friday. It is very important to us what your teachers think of you as a student! In the event you must attend tutorial before practice, please come to practice with a pass from your teacher.
We are looking for players with positive attitudes. Positive attitudes can mean the difference between a loss and a win. You must get along with other females to be successful on this team! Student behavior is very important to our coaches. If we cannot trust you in the school, how can we trust you on the road?
Please fill out the information sheet and return it to me ASAP. Please list any experience you have playing soccer, no matter how insignificant you think it may be. We are planning to have at least two goalkeepers on our team this year.
We would like to use the same bag this season. Returning players who already have bags will not have to purchase a new bag. We will be ordering new warm-ups. We are looking for a different style and color this year. You will be paying for your warm-ups directly with Specialty Sports this year. Is there anything we should add to the spirit pack, such as socks?
In addition to warm-ups, we would also like to get a team t-shirt that may be ordered by players, parents, faculty members, and students. What are your ideas for a shirt?
We will have a Fatz pancake breakfast fundraiser Saturday, March 1 st. The proceeds for this fundraiser will go to paying for extra uniforms, equipment, senior gifts and end-of-year gifts for the team.
Our home field will be the Soccer Complex on Sallie Mood Drive. Our previous field is no longer fit to play official games. Coaches will not be available for transportation to or from games. We assume a tremendous legal responsibility when we drive students in our personal vehicles. The district has mandated that this change be made. A bus is being secured for transportation from the school to each game. Parents must drive their child home from each game. Students are permitted to drive themselves to and from games.
I will be using Remind 101 to contact parents and players about schedule changes, cancellations, etc. To sign up for Remind 101 to receive texts: Use this number: Send our group Or send a blank to: To contact Coach Brown: Our team Facebook page will be functional once the regular season starts in January
Do you have any questions? Do you have any suggestions for this upcoming year?