The Whitby High School A Technology College and Ellesmere Port Grammar School 50th Anniversary Reunion 1959-2009 Saturday 17th October 2009
Even the school cap paid us a visit!
Present Headteacher of The Whitby High School, Mrs M Present Headteacher of The Whitby High School, Mrs M. Hughes (right), with former pupil, Professor Maureen Wayman, Dean of the Faculty of Art and Design and Pro Vice-Chancellor of Manchester Metropolitan University. t
Former teacher and scout leader Mr Stan France, flanked by former pupils Graham Godfrey (left) and Paul Smith (right)
Recently retired Head of Lower School, Mr Ken Oliver, chats to Mr Stan France and former pupil Neil Pearson.
(Sue’s children also attended The Whitby High School) Sue Swain (second right), with former EPGS friends (Sue’s children also attended The Whitby High School)
Mr Gordon Linnell (Languages teacher 1962-1998) gives Neil Pearson’s 1969 school report the once over!
Former pupils and staff take a close look at the display of photographs and news clippings covering the past fifty years.
Former pupils Graham Godfrey and Paul Smith search for themselves on the school photograph of 1964.
1960s pupils Dave Thompson, Jimmy Beahon, Bob Blair, with Tech Design teacher (1969-1980s) Paul Haskew
Former teachers Mr John Wolfenden and Mr Ron Durdey (Head of History on opening day 1959) (Mr Colin Williams (Physics/Maths) behind,right)
Former Grammar School girls greet their P.E. teacher Mrs Di Buxton.
Carol Gorman (second right) and friends with former P. E Carol Gorman (second right) and friends with former P.E. teacher Mrs Di Buxton.
Roger Croston (pupil 1967-74), comes prepared in his original uniform, complete with satchel and school report. Mercifully not pictured – Roger was also wearing his school rugby socks. We were assured they were freshly washed!
Former pupils of the EPGS who came when the school first opened in 1959. They were part of the group of pupils who were already attending local grammar schools and were transferred here to be part of the first intake.
Former pupils – serious fans of school reunions, the Taylor sisters, Nicola, Kerstie and Sarah, here again! (left) Here they were ten years ago at the 40th Anniversary looking at the former pupils pages on the School Website t
Mr John Wolfenden chats to former English teacher and Windsor Head of House, Mr John Weir
Former pupil Neil Pearson with Science teacher and Head of York House, Mr Glen Huddart
Recently retired staff Mr Brian Shepherd (PE, Head of Tudor House), Mrs Hanse Colenso (School Nurse), Mrs Penny Temple (Languages, Deputy Head), Mr David Leedham (Head of History, retired 1993), with present PE teacher Mr Chris Parker (centre).
Former English teacher Mr Peter Murphy, (part of the opening day staff in 1959), chats to his former pupils.
Recently retired Deputy Head, Mr Russ Jackson, chats to former pupil, playwright/director Peter Cann t
Photographs and powerpoint by Thanks to everyone who attended, and to echo the toast given by Headteacher Mrs M. Hughes, Here’s to the next fifty years! Photographs and powerpoint by Mr M.W.Royden