Caddo Nation of Oklahoma Tribal Motor Vehicle Injury Prevention Program “TMVIPP” Successful Partnership
BACKGROUND INFORMATION History of the Caddo Indian Tribe Caddo Indians lived in the areas of southwest Arkansas, northwest Louisiana, southeast Oklahoma and Northeast Texas Larger bands of Caddo's were known as the Hasinai, Hainai and Kadohadacho Also include the remnants of the Anadarko Tribe Ceded their land in Louisiana to the United States government in 1835 Forced on August 1, 1859 to move from the Brazos Reserve in Texas (led by a US Military escort) to present day Oklahoma on the Washita River
BACKGROUND INFORMATION Present Governmental Structure Caddo Nation Federally recognized tribe Brenda Edwards, Chairperson Tribal Council operates by eight Tribal Member Board Tribal Headquarters is located five miles east of Binger, Oklahoma Caddo Tribal Membership is 5,044
BACKGROUND INFORMATION Caddo Nation Tribal Motor Vehicle Injury Prevention Program Toni Short, Director/Coordinator I.H.S. Cooperative Agreement TIPCAP Participant from 2000-2010 - IP Coordinator since 2004 Certification-Levels I & II 2008-2009 Injury Prevention Fellowship National Certified First Responder-EMR National Certified CPS Technician-Instructor
BACKGROUND INFORMATION CDC TMVIPP Funding Cycle 2010-2014 Built foundation during TIPCAP funding cycle. Continue to progress the partnerships in the TMVIPP funding cycle. State Board Member & Committee Member Oklahoma Injury Prevention Advisory Committee Oklahoma Safe Kids Executive Board Oklahoma Metro Area Traffic Safety Drive Aware Oklahoma
TMVIPP OBJECTIVES The purpose of the program is to tailor, implement, and evaluate AI/AN community-based strategies with demonstrated effectiveness for preventing motor vehicle injuries: 1. Reduce alcohol-impaired driving among high risk groups 2. Increase safety belt use among low use groups 3. Increase use of child safety seats among low use groups
KEY OBJECTIVES Education and distribution of child safety seats Certification of National CPS technicians Safe Native American Passenger education for Community and Public Health Hospital/Clinic Enforcements Click-it-or-Ticket/DUI Emphasis Awareness Education in schools-CSS-Alive@25 Data Collection & CSS/SB Observation Develop a comprehensive campaign that accomplished the objectives of Caddo TMVIPP PSA’s with OHSO and OHP
TMVIPP STAKEHOLDERS & PARTNERSHIP Oklahoma Highway Safety Office Oklahoma Highway Patrol BIA Law Enforcement Anadarko Police Department Caddo County Municipalities Fire Departments Caddo County Schools Anadarko Daily News Local Businesses
TMVIPP STAKEHOLDERS & PARTNERSHIP Oklahoma Injury Prevention Advisory Committee Oklahoma Safe Kid Coalition Oklahoma Safe Kids Executive Board Metro Area Traffic Safety Committee Drive Aware Oklahoma Committee Red Rock Regional Prevention Center Anadarko Indian Education Program Anadarko Unity Council
TMVIPP’S EFFECTIVE APPROACH Partnership takes time and effort Take the first step – Be persistent! Clarity of program and purpose Accomplish the same goals Create a positive working relationship Maintain communication Sharing data Opportunity – Cleet certification trainings Including your partners in media, PSA’s