Process mining Wil van der Aalst Eindhoven University of Technology, Department of Information Systems, P.O. Box 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven, The Netherlands
from languages and systems to analysis...
Design-time (a-priori) and run-time (a-posteriori) questions Run-timeDesign-time - process mining - verification - validation - performance analysis ProM
A-posteriori analysis: ProM
Process discovery: Reversing the process process discovery
Conformance testing
Log based verification formula four_eyes_principle (a1:activity,a2:activity) := forall[p:person | (!(execute(p,a1)) \/ !(execute(p,a2)))];
ProM ARIS/ARIS PPM YAWL Caramba CPN Tools Outlook
XML format
ProM architecture
More on ProM
Snapshot of log (100 cases)
Alpha plug-in (1)
Alpha plug-in (2)
Multi-phase mining plug-in
Genetic miner (1)
Genetic miner (2)
Social network mining plug-in
SNA with Netminer betweenness metric points out that the editor and the two editorial assistants are most central
Netminer (2)
LTL checker: Input
Question 1 formula accept_or_reject_but_not_both() := {} (<>(activity == "accept") !(<>(activity == "reject")));
Question 2 formula action_follows_decision() := {Is every decision followed by one of the three possible actions? } []( (activity == "decide" -> _O( ((activity == "accept" \/ activity == "reject") \/ activity == "invite additional reviewer") )));
Question 3 subformula execute( p : person, a : activity ) := {Is a specfic activity executed by a specific person?} <> ( (activity == a /\ person == p ) ) ; formula not_the_same_reviewer() := {Is every reviewer unique?} forall[p:person | (((!(execute(p,"get review 1")) \/ !(execute(p,"get review 2"))) /\ (!(execute(p,"get review 1")) \/ !(execute(p,"get review 3")))) /\ (!(execute(p,"get review 2")) \/ !(execute(p,"get review 3")))) ];
Question 4 subformula accept(a : activity ) := {Is the result a some activity an accept?} <> ( (activity == a /\ ate.result == "accept" ) ) ; formula dont_reject_paper_unjustified() := {Are all papers with strong support indeed accepted.} (((accept("get review 1") /\ accept("get review 2")) /\ accept("get review 3")) -> <> ( activity == "accept" ) ); accept reject
Question 5 formula four_eyes_principle(a1:activity,a2:activity) := { The four-eyes-principle Check whether two activities are never executed by the same person for a given case. Arguments: a1 of type string denoting an activity a2 of type string denoting an activity } forall[p:person |(!(execute(p,a1)) \/ !(execute(p,a2)))];
A related plug-in: Conformance checker
Conformance checker (1)
Conformance checker (2)
Conformance checker (3)
Additional plug-ins State space analysis, invariants, EPC reduction/verification, etc. useful links: