The Elements of Design Texture Line Space ColourColour The Elements of Design
Line Back Line can lead your eye to the center of attention. The person who made this poster wants you to Look at the ads in the flag.
Line Back Line can lead your eye across the Artwork. Or it can make objects rounder (create form)
Colour Back Colour can reflect the mood of the picture. These two seem sad because of all of the cool (temperature) colours like blue and green.
Colour Back Colour can also draw attention to certain things in the picture: Notice how Frida’s face is surrounded by dark figures, almost like a frame.
Texture Back Texture is something on a work of art that can either looks like it can be touched or It actually can be touched. This nail figure has a bumpy, yet pointy texture. This makes him threatening.
Texture Back Can you describe the texture in the picture above? If you click on this picture you’ll see how The artist has used line to create a wood texture
Back Space Space (depth) can be created by using lines
Form / Shape Back Shape can be altered to create a dream-like state. Here the shapes are not as we Would normally see them.
Form / Shape Back Sometimes the shape can change the function of an object. This used to be A famous painting. Now it is a teapot.
Value can help to emphasize the main figure. Here, Jesus is the center of attention because The light leads the viewer’s eye to him. Value can be symbolic too. The lightness of the wolf above Could symbolize hope.
Texture Line Space ColourColour
Texture Line Space ColourColour
Texture Line Space ColourColour