Unified PC Maintenance Console (UPCMC) V4.0 PBX Web Manager Panasonic Communications Co., Ltd. Communication Network Company Edition 1.1 06 January, 2009 1
Update history 17/Nov/2008 Hayashida 1st edition 06/Jan/2009 Hayashida 2nd edition
1. Concept
PBX Web Manager = Web Server 1 Concept 1.1 Basic concept - Give the easy programming interface for the PBX administrator of the customer (not for the installer/dealer) with limiting the programmable item. - Allow the system programming of PBX system without the installation of the special programming software (PCMC) on the local PC of the PBX administrator. - Use Web browser for the system programming. - PBX Web Manager of UPCMC v.4 series supports the programming of KX-NCP1000/500 only. Customer’s Administrator PBX Web Manager = Web Server KX-NCP1000 Web Browser LAN UPCMC LAN KX-NCP500 PCMC protocol HTTP
PBX Web Manager = Web Server 1 Concept 1.2 Structure of PBX Web Manager (1/2) - PBX Web Manager module of UPCMC works as same as the Standard-PCMC toward KX-NCP1000/500. - With the same interface, performs the programming control. PBX Web Manager = Web Server KX-NCP1000 Customer’s Administrator Web Browser UPCMC KX-NCP500 LAN LAN PCMC protocol HTTP
PBX Web Manager = Web Server 1 Concept 1.2 Structure of PBX Web Manager (2/2) - PBX Web Manager module of UPCMC works as Web Server to the Web browser of the PBX administrator. - By HTTP, gives remote programming from Web browser. PBX Web Manager = Web Server KX-NCP1000 Customer’s Administrator Web Browser LAN UPCMC LAN KX-NCP500 PCMC protocol HTTP
1 Concept 1.3 Background of development - In KX-TDA/TDE series, PA Manager can give the easy programming interface for the PBX administrator of the customer. Customer’s Administrator TDE100/200 LAN / USB Web Browser PA Manager TDA30 TDA600 LAN TDA100/200 PBX Settings PCMC protocol HTTP - Web PBX Manager of UPCMC is designed for presenting the similar service of PA Manager for KX-NCP1000/500 that has CA (Communication Assistant) without using additional cost.
2. Installation
2. Installation 2.1 Installation of PBX Web Manager module PBX Web Manager (Server) is automatically installed with UPCMC modules. You just need to install UPCMC(v4 or later). You do not need to install separately from UPCMC.
2. Installation 2.2 Option setting in the installation Option1: Register the UPCMC in Startup menu (All Users) of Windows. UPCMC starts automatically when you login to the Windows. Option2: Set “Enable” for the start of “PBX Web manager Server” when Standard-PCMC is started. See Option setting of Standard-PCMC. Check Uncheck Standard-PCMC Option – PBX Web Manager
3. Operation
3 Operation 3.1 Start of PBX Web Manager Server. 3.1.1 Automatic start. - If both options of Installer are checked, UPCMC is automatically started when you login to the Windows. - And PBX Manager Server is also automatically started with Standard-PCMC. Both options checked Installer options
3 Operation 3.1 Start of PBX Web Manager Server. 3.1.2 Manual start 1 (with UPCMC). - If “load UPCMC to Windows startup” is not checked, you must start UPCMC manually. - If “Enable PBX Web Manager server function…” is checked, PBX Manager Server is automatically started with Standard-PCMC. Option1 = uncheck Option2 = check Installer options
3 Operation 3.1 Start of PBX Web Manager Server. 3.1.3 Manual start 2 (from Option – PBX Web Manager). - If “load UPCMC to Windows startup” is not checked, you must start manually UPCMC. - And if “Enable PBX Web Manager server function…” is not checked, PBX Manager Server is not started with Standard-PCMC. - You must go to Option – PBX Web Manager setting of Standard-PCMC, and check “Enable Web Server” manually. - When you press “OK” or “APPLY”, PBX Web Manager Server will be started. Option1 = uncheck Option2 = uncheck Installer options Uncheck Check Option – PBX Web Manager
3 Operation 3.1 Start of PBX Web Manager Server. 3.1.4 Notes. (1/3) - You can not start PBX Web Manager Server without starting Standard-PCMC. Standard-PCMC must be working with PBX Web Manager Server
3 Operation 3.1 Start of PBX Web Manager Server. 3.1.4 Notes. (2/3) - You can not start PBX Web Manager Server with Multisite-PCMC. - You can not start PBX Web Manager Server with Information-Window or Login-Window of UPCMC. Information-window Login-window Multisite-PCMC
3 Operation 3.1 Start of PBX Web Manager Server. 3.1.4 Notes. (3/3) - You can not start PBX Web Manager Server as the background service of Windows that allows Web service without login to the Windows. - Starting of service by Power-On of PC is not available.
3 Operation 3.2 Stop of PBX Web Manager Server. 3.2.1 Stop Standard-PCMC. - If you close Standard-PCMC, you can see the dialog which confirms you to shut-down the PBX Web Manager Server. - If you select “Yes”, both Standard-PCMC and PBX Web Manager Server are closed. If you select “No”, close of Standard-PCMC and PBX Web Manager Server is canceled.
3 Operation 3.2 Stop of PBX Web Manager Server. 3.2.2 Select “Exit” from the menu of Task-tray icon. - If you right click the Task-tray icon of PBX Web Manager, you can see “Exit” in the pull-down menu. - If you select “Exit”, you can stop only PBX Web Manager Server without closing Standard-PCMC. PBX Web Manager icon Right-click pull-down menu
3 Operation 3.2 Stop of PBX Web Manager Server. 3.2.3 Stop from Standard-PCMC - You can stop only PBX Web Manager Server from Standard-PCMC. - You must go to Option – PBX Web Manager setting of Standard-PCMC, and uncheck “Enable Web Server” manually. - When you press “OK” or “APPLY”, PBX Web Manager Server will be stopped. check uncheck Option – PBX Web Manager
3 Operation 3.2 Stop of PBX Web Manager Server. 3.2.4 Notes. - You do not have any way of keeping working of PBX Web Manager Server with stopping Standard-PCMC. - Standard-PCMC must be working with PBX Web Manager Server.
3 Operation 3.3 Start programming from Web browser 3.3.1 Access from the same PC of Server. - Double-clicking the Task-tray icon of PBX Web Manager will start the Web browser. - Right-clicking the Task-tray icon of PBX Web Manager, and selecting “Open Browser” will start the Web browser. - In this case, URL of Web browser shows as followings. http://localhost:8181/INDEX.ASPX Double-clicking PBX Web Manager icon Right-click and Select “Open Browser”
3 Operation 3.3 Start programming from Web browser 3.3.2 Access from the other PC. - Start Web browser manually, and enter the URL manually. - Enter following URL. http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:8181/INDEX.ASPX for the part of xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx, please enter the IP Address of the PC of PBX Web Manager Server.
3 Operation 3.4 Login 3.4.1 Login
3 Operation 3.4 Login 3.4.2 Connecting
3 Operation 3.5 Program 3.5.1 Main page (1/2)
3 Operation 3.5 Program 3.5.1 Main page (2/2) English Italian Spanish French German Russian You can select the display language
3 Operation 3.5 Program 3.5.2 System Date/Time In the programming, you see this program menu
3 Operation 3.5 Program 3.5.3 Absent Messages
3 Operation 3.5 Program 3.5.4 System Quick Dial
3 Operation 3.5 Program 3.5.5 DISA AA Destination Setting
3 Operation 3.5 Program 3.5.6 Extension Names/Number
3 Operation 3.5 Program 3.5.7 Holiday Table Setting
3 Operation 3.5 Program 3.5.8 Time Service Mode (1/3) Go to Time Setting day/Lunch/Night
3 Operation 3.5 Program 3.5.8 Time Service Mode (2/3) Time Setting Day/lunch/Night By “OK” or “Cancel”, Go back to Time Service Mode main screen Go to Time Setting Break
3 Operation 3.5 Program 3.5.8 Time Service Mode (3/3) Time Setting Break By “OK” or “Cancel”, Go back to Time Service Mode main screen Go to Time Setting Day/Lunch/Night
3 Operation 3.6 Logout 3.6.1 Logout Disconnect button
3 Operation 3.6 Logout 3.6.2 Disconnecting
3 Operation 3.7 Others 3.7.1 loading message While Web PBX Manager is loading the data from the PBX system, this message appears.
3 Operation 3.7 Others 3.7.2 Abort Operation ? message If the loading of the data takes too long time (more than 75 sec), this dialog appears automatically. You can select stop or continue loading the data.
3 Operation 3.7 Others 3.7.3 Time out message If you do not touch the keyboard or mouse for long time (more than 5 minutes), you will be logged-out automatically.
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