VUF National Stakeholder Workshop, Da Nang, 25 July 2012 Assoc. Prof. Dr. Do Tu Lan, General Secretary VUF Executive Board, Ministry of Construction.


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Presentation transcript:

VUF National Stakeholder Workshop, Da Nang, 25 July 2012 Assoc. Prof. Dr. Do Tu Lan, General Secretary VUF Executive Board, Ministry of Construction

“To promote dialogue for sharing of experience and knowledge among government agencies, science/professional, social/political and non-government organizations, entities and individuals of all economic sectors and the donors, with the aim of actively contributing to the formulation and implementation of policies on urban development and management, (…), and improving the effectiveness of urban development and management activities.” Mission Statement

Policy Dialogue Knowledge Sharing Policy Recommendations Information Management To enhance: mutual understanding effective cooperation clear ODA needs and priorities investment promotion To enable: experience exchange networking and peer learning replication of good practices To provide: effective collection quality assessment editing, and dissemination To facilitate: identified needs for change policy proposals and recommendations submission to GoV for decision Main Objectives

Ministries Cities Academia Prof. Inst. Experts Priv. Sector Donors NGOs with 58 members (March 2012) Urban Stakeholder Network for Vietnam

Professional Conferences like World Cities Forum, Rio+20 etc. National urban forums in Asia (Philippines, India, Nepal etc.) Asia-Pacific Urban Forum (UNESAP) The World Urban Forum (Naples, Sept. 2012) Slide 25 of 35 Linked to International Fora/Platforms

*...depending on your demand as a stakeholder! CoP UU CoP UU VUF- Thematic Platforms* CoP... CoP... CoP WSS CoP WSS UCR CoP ACVN CCCOs ACVN CCCOs NGO- CCWG NGO- CCWG NSCCC ACCCRN MBRAC E C40... ACCCRN MBRAC E C40... Other related platforms Thematic Platforms – Communities of Practice

Climate change poses major challenges for urban development in Vietnam Rapid, unplanned urbanization can increase cities’ vulnerability to climate change and cause extreme disasters - this is already occurring The Problem

There are many technical challenges brought by climate change – how can we plan cities, infrastructure, and services that are flexible in the face of climate uncertainty? Climate change affects all city residents and sectors, so it requires new institutional capacities for coordination and management; “top-down” planning has to be accompanied by “bottom-up” planning approaches Climate change requires us to think about the future: how do we want our cities to be in 20 years? 50 years? What are our values for having liveable, green, and equitable cities? The Problem

Many actors in Vietnam are already thinking about these questions. These include:  Local government departments in many cities;  National Ministries, including MoNRE, MoC and MARD  International Organizations and Agencies  National Associations  Non-government organizations and Mass Organizations How do we encourage learning, sharing, and deliberation between these diverse stakeholders? How can we learn from each other?

A vast body of knowledge from analytical studies / interventions needs to be compiled and made accessible ! Knowledge Management is needed

A vast body of knowledge from analytical studies / interventions needs to be compiled and made accessible Knowledge Management is needed

Relevant action fields, approaches and terminologies need to be clarified and systemized ! Risk/Vulnerability Assessment Urban Resilience Indicators Flood Protection Hydrological Modeling Integrated Disaster Risk Management Local Resilience Action Planning Drainage Master Planning Integrated Rural-Urban Water Management Disaster Risk Finance Combined Adaptation-Mitigation Mainstreaming CC Adaptation Community-Based Adaptation Capacity Building for CC Response Climate-Proof Urban Infrastructure Shared Learning Dialogue Flood Risk Management Comprehensive Resilience Planning Knowledge Management is needed

A multitude of local interventions and approaches need to be coordinated and synthesized for replication ! Knowledge Management is needed

Potential Activities and Outputs Well established coordination/ working mechanism between stakeholders (donors, national and local authorities, NGO‘s, science/academia, private sector...), e.g. through: Improved documentation on initiatives, events and products (newsletter, database) Comprehensive database/mapping of ODA projects/interventions Compilation/ dissemination of studies, reports, toolkits/guidelines, good practices/case study sheets etc. (DMS on VUF website) Facilitation of peer-to-peer learning (between cities/provinces) Working groups and/or Seminars on specific key issues (CC-integrated urban planning, Flooding and land use, etc. ) National policy recommendations / guidance for local authorities

Regional Water Basin Management Urban Climate Change Mitigation Potential Thematic Groups

Flooding and Land Use kms Urban Environmental Quality and Climate Change Potential Thematic Groups

CC Integrated Urban Planning etc... Resilient Housing Potential Thematic Groups

Online forums and discussions Newsletter City visits and exchanges Database of urban climate change related projects Design competitions Interactive workshops Trainings Formal and informal meetings Sharing resources Facilitation Formats

Today, we hope to hear about your ideas and priorities for how this Community of Practice can be effective ! What are you interested in learning from the Community of Practice? What can you or your organization contribute to the Community of Practice? How can the Community of Practice coordinate with events, activities, or platforms that already exist? Kick-off Event

Please provide feedback to organizers through evaluation forms and by sharing your ideas during panel discussions ! Please network with each other and exchange contacts ! THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR YOUR ATTENTION! Kick-off Event