1 & 2 Chronicles Gathering Hope from the Past
1 & 2 CHRONICLES: THE BOOK Covers same era as 2 Samuel – 2 Kings Originally 1 book in Hebrew Bible (“Chronicles”) In Hebrew canon, last book in OT, classified among “The Writings” Written after return from Babylonia Exile (2 Chron. 36:22-23)
1 & 2 CHRONICLES: CHARACTERISTICS Kings of Israel (N. Kingdom) mostly ignored; focus on Judah as “true Israel”; no mention of Elijah & Elisha David & Solomon portrayed as founders of Temple worship more than as warriors & rulers David & Solomon’s sins are mostly omitted More emphasis on good kings of Judah (Asa, Jehoshaphat, Hezekiah, & Josiah) & less on bad kings WHY? To provide encouragement & hope to returned exiles by emphasizing their history at its best
1 & 2 CHRONICLES: PLOT God blesses the reigns of David & Solomon, & Israel enjoys the greatest period of her history under their leadership Even after the kingdom divides, Judah still has the leadership of great kings (as well as some not-so-great ones) Even some evil kings (e.g., Manasseh) turn to God before they die Israel’s strength lies in worship centered in the Temple, led by the priests & Levites
1 & 2 CHRONICLES: MAJOR CHARACTERS David & Solomon – The 2 great kings who led Israel to glory & power Hezekiah & Josiah – Two more kings who were righteous & serve as examples to the people The Priests & Levites – Those who had a central role in leading worship in the Temple, suggesting their importance for the future after the Exile Cyrus – Persian king who allows Israel to return to Jerusalem & re-build the Temple
1 & 2 CHRONICLES: MAJOR THEMES Israel has had a great history & can have a great future, if they are faithful to God God’s covenant with David will yet be fulfilled, since the promises are for an heir to rule “forever” Being a great nation depends on worshiping God in the Temple under the leadership of the priests & Levites
1 & 2 CHRONICLES: KEY VERSE “Thus says Cyrus king of Persia, ‘The Lord, the God of heaven, has given me all the kingdoms of the earth, and he has charged me to build him a house at Jerusalem, which is in Judah. Whoever is among you of all his people, may the Lord his God be with him. Let him go up.’” (2 Chronicles 36:23)
1 & 2 CHRONICLES: LESSONS FOR TODAY No matter how bad our past has been, there are always ______________ aspects that serve as a guide for the future. God’s true ______________ are those who remain faithful to His covenant. All compromises in faith are __________________. There is no true relationship with God without faithful ______________. No matter what happens, God is always in ______________.