Replacement / life insurance reviews Spring-boarding to Extra Production from Existing Cases
Replacement / LIR (Reason for implementation) Implement this opportunity with the idea of identifying additional sales opportunities after policies have been approved and issued. Have you ever noticed that your brokers list out inforce coverage on life applications but take no action to review or recommend potential replacement on their client’s current insurance portfolio? It is important to bring a higher level of service to your brokers and assist them with capturing all of a client’s assets rather than the one policy they were underwriting. (this separates you and makes you a practice enhancement company, not a processing unit.)
Replacement / LIR Additional Sales Opportunity Once life insurance underwriting has been completed and the policy has been issued your Case Placement Department will look to see if the client listed any inforce life insurance on the application that was not marked for replacement. If there is inforce business listed your staff will generate a spreadsheet outlining the additional opportunity along with a cover letter and inforce authorization packet for the broker to complete at time of delivery. An alert is sent to the sales team via and notated in your AMS System with a 7 day follow-up to contact the broker and discuss the current inforce business to be reviewed. The Sales team works with the broker to get the inforce authorization signed and order the inforce illustrations. Once your Post Issue Department receives the inforce illustration the Internal Wholesaler then runs a complete analysis and provide alternative recommendations if warranted.
Sample Replacement / LIR Letter
Expected Results You should be able to identify a potential opportunity on 10-20% of new policies being sent to brokers The expected return on these identified opportunities (with proper follow-up) should be 40-50% returned signed authorization packets for inforce illustration ordering Out of the inforce illustrations ordered and analysis completed there should be a 50-75% new formal application ratio. (remember you already know the client’s health rating so the underwriting time should be minimal.) These cases should issue through the carrier in an expedited manner with little to no surprises from underwriting.