A B ee C ool of BEES Find the Treasure
How many kinds of bees are there? There are 10, ,000 species of bee. Many are wasp-like and fly-like bees. Most bees are small from 1/8” long 1 1/2 inches long. Bees and wasps are closely related. The main difference is that bees feed their young pollen and honey, while wasps eat animal food, insects, or spiders.
How many states have named honeybees as the state insect? Bees are beneficial insects because they produce honey and pollinate crops. Most people love honeybees. Even though most stings are from other bees or wasps, honeybees are often blamed. The honeybee is very popular. It has been adopted by at least sixteen states as the state insect.
Why are antennae important to bees? Antenna(e). In honey bees, antennae are very important. They use them to touch things and explore. They use them to smell what they touch! There are tiny hairs on each antenna are can feel and “smell.” The antennae can move in any direction because their bases are set in small socket-like areas on the head.