Organisation Get organised. Look at your week – Decide how long you can spend on study each day. Look at which nights you have lots of homework Look at your extra curricular activities
Sorted Get sorted Have a study place – the same every night Have a table, good lighting, comfortable chair Put phone, Ipod, Ipad, etc etc out of the room Have a clock Have all your equipment near
Goals Set Realistic Goals Keep your goals visible in your study area Measure your progress Keep a list of your achieved goals
Tips for Putting together Timetable Do the Groundwork Set Your REALISTIC goals Use a to do list every day. Make it up the night before Be flexible. Unexpected things happen. Make up for lost time. Don’t give up. If something is not working, leave it and start again.
More Tips Break up your study time. Don’t spend 2 hours on one thing. Use 25 minute slots. Break big projects into little chunks Develop and stick to a regular study routine. If hard to get started, start with a subject you like and then maybe one you find more difficult next. Plan to study at least 3 subjects every day. Take your breaks and your rewards
And even more tips.... Friday evening is a good evening to complete all homework. Try and do your homework the night you get it rather than waiting for last minute Look at your week plan at the weekend to set your short term goals Let friends and family know when you are busy
Before you start.... Take a subject Write down each topic in a copy leaving room for the topics you have yet to add on Leave space to tick it off Hopefully there will be lots of ticks shortly....
Tips for Staying Focused You will find your mind wandering. Put an X in the corner of the page. You will soon notice a lot of X’s!!!! Stop and switch if you cannot do any more If you cannot focus, go for a walk, or have a chat with someone. Success breeds success. If you fail to prepare, you prepare to fail
Best Time to Start is now... Don’t leave it all to the end Set your goals and targets in your journal Be specific about what you want to study. Stick your timetable to a wall in your study area and use it to plan your homework.
Note Taking Make notes in your own words in class Listen for Key phrases and key words Listen for points that the teacher repeats Write points quickly. You can tidy up later!! Use brain storms, key maps Highlight important details Keep notes short and in point form
After Class... Fill in the blanks Do homework from that class now If you need to rewrite the notes, learn as you rewrite...