Krami Sweden Prison and Probation Employment Institute Mikael Andersson Labor Market Secretary Prison and Probation ServicesNational Employment Services Municipality of Malmo
Target group and goals Kramis target group Krami turns to men and women who normally are of immediate interest within the three authorities. The target group is characterized by social difficulties in terms of criminal behavior, or individuals who find themselves within a criminal context. The activity is directed towards persons from 18 years of age. The goal is that the client shall: Find, get and keep a job Live a law-abiding life Be self-supporting and participate in new social contexts Krami Sweden
Background and development Krami started as a local project in 1980 in the city of Malmo. A result of a call for collaboration between authorities upon clients release from prison. A need for co-ordination, effective planning and long-term rehabilitation for this type of clients. Through joint actions between authorities as well as transgression of responsibilities the individuals’ whole complex of problems became visible and processed effectively. As a result, a specific Krami model was established with working teams that were specialized in rehabilitating young offenders with complex social problems and integrating them into the open labor market. Krami Sweden
Krami Sweden Malmö Helsingborg Halmstad Göteborg Falkenberg Umeå Borlänge Uppsala Stockholm Nyköping Jönköping Kristianstad/Hässleholm Krami Norway Tromsö Stavanger Västerås Eskilstuna Örebro Karlskrona
Kramis Policy The policy is a national agreement stating that the Swedish Prison and Probation Services and National Employment Services have common goal in cooperating for the integration or re-integration of ex-offenders to the Swedish labor market. The aim is to work together with resources and competencies to prevent further isolation and reduce recidivism. The Prison and Probation Services and the National Employment Services have agreed upon this policy to create unity and provide guidelines for established as well as for newly established Krami practices. The purpose with the policy is to clarify the state’s role in Krami. The policy will constitute the basis for the governmental agencies dialog with local authorities, whom are a third party in the cooperation. Krami Sweden
Some basic preconditions for a Krami practice A written agreement between the three authorities. A local Steering-Group, represented by the three authorities. Each Krami office consists of at least one employee from each authority. Working at Krami presumes a willingness to cooperate and a desire to take on a pedagogical role. Krami Sweden
Krami Sweden organization Krami Sweden General Director Prison and Probations Services General Director National Employment Services Nation Board of Collaboration 9 representatives from the Prison and Probation Services and Employment Services 16 Local/ regional Steering-Groups Represented by Regional/local directors and leaders and personnel from the Prison and Probation services, The Employment Services and the Municipality, Social Services 16 Local Krami offices Represented by personnel from the 3 authorities Working Committee 4 repr. from the national Board 2 from the Prison and Probation Services and 2 from the Employment Services
Leadership - Steering Krami is controlled by a National Board of Collaboration consisting of representatives from the National Employments Services and the Prison and Probation Services. Mutual preparation is made within the National Board of Collaboration as well as within the local Steering-Groups. Decision-making is from thereon made individually by each authority. Krami Sweden
National level The National Board of Collaboration deals with questions about: General outlines for local agreements. Personnel resources for each activity. Quantified yearly goals. Preparing suggestions on locations for where Krami offices are needed or liquidated. Follow up every six months. Guiding principles/ policy document. Krami Sweden
The National Board shall meet with the local Steering-Groups on a yearly basis in order to discuss current questions. The National Board of Collaboration’s Working Committee shall meet on a yearly basis with representatives from the local Steering-Groups in order to discuss current questions. The Working Committee can when needed create national working groups represented by Krami staff and/or members from Steering-Groups to work with current questions. Krami Sweden
Local level Krami Sweden Public administration of Service Work Now Special unit Krami Steering-Group Prison and Probation/ Regional Head Manager of Work Now Head of local Employment Services
Local responsibilities Local Krami activities are agreed upon by Regional Directors and leaders of the Prison and Probation Services, local Employment Services and the Municipality, including staff members from the local Krami office. The local Steering-Group is accountable for Results Budget and rationing of resources Follow-up as well as reporting to the national board of collaboration An annual plan and report Recruitment of personnel Mutual administrative routines Quality check as well as eventual local quality goals Krami Sweden
The local Steering-Groups assemble at least three times a year. An annual report of accounts shall be delivered to the National Board of Collaboration by latest March 31. All results shall be stated in the account. When the results diverge from the before set goals, an analysis of the causes of the divergence shall be included in the report. Krami Sweden
Rationing of costs Each organization is responsible for wages and costs for in- service training as well as costs concerning for example, IT- support, personnel. Mutual operational costs are regulated in the local agreement and divided between the Prison and Probation Services and the Municipality. This includes costs for premises, effects, recreational activities, copying machine, travelling. The Employment Service is responsible for coasts concerning labor market action plans. Krami Sweden
Quality check Local Steering-Groups are responsible for ensuring that Krami works in accordance with given guidelines/policy. Local Krami offices shall have defined areas of responsibilities and powers. To ensure a high quality within the work demands that Krami personnel as well as management within the various authorities also partake in improving- and developing the activity. Support and competency from other persons of authority within related organizations and districts are important in order to avoid misunderstanding and other obstacles. A good climate is created by good relations between management, personnel and participants’. The various organizations should act to make sure that collaboration can work within the own organization. Krami Sweden
The practice Personnel from the three authorities work together within its own facilities on equal terms and with a common idea and way of working. The work is based on a mutual attitude with a futuristic perspective on the participants given prerequisites and resources. Each part contributes with their competencies and authoritative resources. Krami Sweden Krami Social secretary and/or other administrator Prison and/or Probation Officer Employment officer
Kramis clients Requirements Current within the Prison and Probation Services, Registered as a citizen within the municipality, current within the Social Services and unemployed. 3 Phases Introduction phase 2 – 4 weeks Vocational phase 3 – 6 months Employment phase 1 year The clients economy Monthly subsidy from the employment services Social allowances from the social services Wage subsidy from the employment services when employed Krami Sweden
The labor market Each Krami staff member has a responsibility to supervise the client towards the labor market. Building networks Krami takes full responsibility for the client Offering Long-term follow-up Offering labor market wage subsidy Krami Sweden
Kramis objective For practices with one (1) staff member from each authority, the objective is that participants’ enroll per year. For larger practices the objective is that participants’ enroll per year. 50% to employment Krami Sweden
Krami evaluated By the Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare. Costs of public services Cost effective analysis: 50% cost cut for Krami and 25% cut for the control groups. 15 year investment analysis: expenditure decreases and/or benefit increases of about 2.5 million SEK per individual for the Krami program and 0.5 – 1.0 million SEK for the control programs. Client effects The study found that the employment situation improved dramatically for the Krami clients. Except for the few that dropped out at an early stage, all had a job one year after starting the program. Krami Sweden
Contact Mikael Andersson Krami Malmö Box Malmö Sweden Krami Sweden