Pieces from the parent break off and form a new organism identical to the original parent
The mature organism breaks up into two or more pieces or fragments. The fragments then grow into complete organisms. The fragments regenerate to form an entire individual.
It takes place in some lower plants and animals such as some worm, starfish and planaria.
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Through asexual reproduction, many plants can produce genetically identical offshoots (clones) of themselves, which then develop into independent plants.
The plants can reproduce by fragmentation, but also by vegetative propagation, this includes the production of specialized structures such as tubers, runners, and bulbs.
The following plant reproduce by vegetative propagation: 1.rahyd 2. nooni 3.pustli 4.rybsarwrte 5.subret Match them with each drawing.
Tubers Tubers, such as potatoes, are fleshy underground storage structures composed of enlarged parts of the stem.
A tuber functions in asexual propagation as a result of the tiny scale leaves equipped with buds that grow on its surface. Each of these buds can form a new plant, genetically identical to the parent.
Runners or Stolons such as those found on strawberry plants, are slender horizontal stems that spread outward from the main plant
Entirely new plants can develop from nodes located at intervals on the runners; each node can give rise to new roots and shoots.
Bulbs Bulbs, such as onions and tulips, are roughly spherical underground buds with fleshy leaves short stems.
Extending from their each bulb contains several other buds which can give rise to new plants.
Many plants can reproduce this way naturally, but vegetative propagation can also be artificially induced. This is especially important for commercial growers who want to reproduce the highest-quality plants and ensure consistency of a variety of plant or crop for sale.
The advantages to this kind of asexual reproduction: It can occur more rapidly than seed propagation and can allow a genetically superior plant to produce unlimited copies of itself without variation.
The main disadvantage is the potential to impact on biodiversity of a species. Also, if a particular plant clone is susceptible to certain diseases, there is potential to lose entire crops
Answer the following questions: 1. Could you mention daily foods that you eat that reproduce by vegetative propagation? 2.This kind of reproduction is natural or atificial? Are there any differences? Explain them. 3. The plants reproduce asexually, are they equal? Different? Why?
ation/Innovation-Stories/Zealong- Tea/Articles/Vegetative-plant- propagation plant-reproduction-vegetative- propagation-and-bulbs.html#lesson