Sweden has 25 counties the largest county is lappland. The Capital city is Stockholm.Other cities are Gothenborg and Malmö.
Sweden The population of Sweden is , the Capital of Sweden is Stockholm
Stockholm Stockholm&Globen Globen is a big arena in Stockholm. And thir we celebrate the melodi festival.In Globen can it be verry many people. Stockholm is Swedens bigest city. In Stockholm is it people.
Stockholm Stockholm has approx. 70 Gallery. In Stockholm live that inhabitant. Stockholm has a nationell park the name is Ekoparken.
Liseberg is an amusement park in Gothenburg. Its the largest parl in Scandinavia.Many People from the world visit Liseberg every year
Liseberg is a pleasurepark in the Gothenburg(Sweden). The park opened in One of the most popular attractions is the wooden roller coaster Balder.
Alfred Nobel was born in Stockholm on October He died in December in Italy. He was a Swedish chemist,enginier.He invented the diamonds.
Carl Von Linne was a Swedish Botanist who was born on May and died 10 january He was born in the county of Småland and studied in Uppsala university. He also traveled the Netherlands in 1735 and stayed for three years.
Astrid Lindgren Astrid Lindgren was a Swedish Children’s book author. Her tittles were translated Into 85 Language. She sold more than 145 million copies to the world. She died 28th January 2002 when she was 94 years old. She is most remembered for writing The Pippi Longstocking books