Radiology Packet 21 Pelvis
5 yr old F Russian Blue “Jessie” HX = Chronic intermittent lameness of the right hind leg progressing to temporary loss of use of both hind legs one day prior to presentation
5 yr old F Russian Blue “Jessie” RF –The acetabulae are shallow. –Minor osteophyte production is present at the dorsocranial margin of the acetabulum bilaterally. –The femoral necks are slightly thick and the femoral heads are flattened. RD –Bilateral hip dyplasia with secondary DJD
10 mo female Silky Terrier HX = One month lameness of left hind leg, also hip pain is palpable
10 mo female Silky Terrier RF –The left femoral head is markedly misshapen and the femoral neck is thickened considerably. –The subchondral bone of the acetabulum is sclerotic and thickened and the joint space is wider than the right side. RD –Avascular necrosis of the femoral head (Legg-Calves-Perthes disease) Next –Surgery
2 yr old MC DSH “Lambert” HX = presented for evaluation of abnormal gait of the hind limbs
2 yr old MC DSH “Lambert” RF –There is a fracture of the left femoral neck at the level of the physis (capital physeal fracture). –There is a roughened and indistinct appearance to the femoral neck at the level of the fracture. –A linear lucency at the level of the physis and extending laterally into the femoral neck on the right can be seen on careful evaluation. RD –Fracture of the left capital femoral physis –Suspected fracture of the right femoral physis Next –Reduction and surgical stabilization of the capital physeal fracture.
1 yr old Mix breed dog “Bo” HX = Audible clicking in hips when playing with other dogs, palpable laxity and pain on manipulation of both coxofemoral joints, mild to moderate crepitation of both coxofemoral joints
1 yr old Mix breed dog “Bo” RF –There is severe bilateral coxofemoral subluxation. –Both femoral necks are thickened and there is a roughened appearance to the femoral neck dorsally. –A subtle linear line is seen extending form proximal to distal at the lateral aspect of the femoral neck, this is called “Morgan’s line” and is often the earliest radiographic change seen in dogs with hip dysplasia. RD –Severe bilateral hip dysplasia with mild secondary osteoarthritis
6 yr old FS Lab Retriever “Foxy” HX = “Foxy” has been lame on the LH for approximately 6 weeks and there is palpable laxity in the left stifle
6 yr old FS Lab Retriever “Foxy” RF –Markedly decreased coverage of the right femoral head by the acetabulum. –Severe osteoarthritis is present in the joint. RD –Bilateral hip dysplasia with secondary DJD
9 mo old F Lab Retriever “Emie” HX = Trauma approximately 2 months ago at which time a fracture of the pelvis was diagnosed, the dog has been lame since that time and left hip luxation was recently diagnosed. Owners want to know if this is congenital or due to the trauma as they had planned to breed “Emie”
9 mo old F Lab Retriever “Emie” RF –There is luxation of the left coxofemoral joint. –The acetabulum is shallow and there is remodeling of the cranial acetabular margin. –The left femoral head is flattened and the femoral neck is thickened. –Osteophyte formation is present at the margin of the articular cartilage of the femoral head. –There is mal-alignment at the caudal margin of the right sacroiliac joint which is the right pelvic fracture that was described in the history. RD –Hid dysplasia
8 mo old F Himalayan “Tucker” HX = appears to be a defect in the lumbar and caudal spine
8 mo old F Himalayan “Tucker” RF –Severe bilateral coxofemoral subluxation. –The acetabular cups are very shallow. –The femoral necks appear short and more vertically oriented than normal. –Both femoral necks are slightly thickened. RD –Severe bilateral hip dysplasia