Female Reproductive Organs Sex Education: Female Reproductive Organs
Female External Genitals 4 1 3 5 6 2
Female Internal Reproductive Organs 14 15 9 10 11 Endometrium 8 Bladder 13 Urethra 12
Female Internal Reproductive Organs (Continued)
Female Internal Reproductive Organs (Continued)
Female Reproductive Organs Vulva: external female reproductive organs Labia majora (outer): fatty outer border on either side of the vaginal and urethral opening line of protection Labia minora (inner): two smaller folds of skin on either side of the vaginal and urethral opening line of protection Vaginal Opening: is an opening that lies between the labia minora
Female Reproductive Organs Hymen: a thin membrane may tear during physical activity Urethra Opening: opening where urine is secreted Clitoris: contains many nerve endings and blood vessels highly sensitive plays a major role in sexual arousal Vagina: elastic, muscle lined tube also called birth canal stretches to allow for birth of baby
Female Reproductive Organs Cervix: opening to the uterus dilates to 10 cm during childbirth gland that secretes mucus to lubricate vagina Uterus: upside down pear shaped hollow muscular organ primary function is to hold and nourish the developing embryo and fetus Endometrium: a thin lining of the uterus provides attachment to the embryo
Female Reproductive Organs Fallopian Tubes: tubes on each side of the uterus that connect the uterus to the ovaries very narrow, lined with hair-like projections(cilia) motions of cilia release ovum(egg) into the fallopian tubes Ovaries: two female sex glands produce mature ovum(egg) produce female hormones: progesterone and estrogen
Female Reproductive Disorders SEX EDUCATION Female Reproductive Disorders
Female Reproductive Disorders Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID): An infection of the fallopian tubes, ovaries, and the surrounding areas of the Pelvis It can damage the female reproductive organs It is caused by Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD’s) Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS): Caused by bacteria that produces a toxin that affects the immune system and liver Symptoms: fever, chills, vomiting, diarrhea, and rashes on the hands and feet Caused by tampons being left inside the vaginal canal too long If caught early: treated by antibiotics Tampons should be kept in no longer than 2 to 4 hours
Female Reproductive Disorders Vaginitis: Inflammation of the vaginal tissue Symptoms: discharge, burning, and itching Treated by: antibiotics Yeast Infections: Caused by fungus Characterized by a thick, white, odorless discharge Symptoms: itching, burning, and painful urination Treated by: over the counter medication Ovarian Cyst: Fluid filled sac on ovary No signs or symptoms Treatment: surgically removed or can disappear on their own
Female Reproductive Disorders Breast Cancer: The most common form of cancer in women Symptoms: change in breast or nipple appearance, a lump or swelling in the breast, a lump in the arm pit, and/or discharge from the nipple Treatment: radiation, chemotherapy, or removal of breast Breast Self Exam: should be performed every month Mammogram: a series of X-Rays of the breast that should be done after the age of 40 Ovarian Cancer: Cancer of the ovaries Symptoms: abdominal pressure, nausea, indigestion, urinary frequency, constipation, diarrhea, abnormal bleeding, weight gain or weight loss, and fatigue Treatment: radiation, chemotherapy Early detection is critical because only 25% of women survive beyond 5 years if the cancer is diagnosed in advanced stages
Female Reproductive Disorders Cancer of the Cervix Detected by Pap Test: a test that uses a cotton swab to collect cells from the cervix, and it detects abnormal cells Females should have Pap Test done yearly from the age of 18 unless sexually active NO Symptoms Treatment: radiation, chemotherapy Uterine Cancer: Cancer of the Uterus Symptom: abnormal bleeding Treatment: radiation, chemotherapy, & hysterectomy