Chapter 2 Lesson 3
People from the city-state of Babylon adopted Sumerian culture cultural diffusion – the spreading of culture In 1792 B.C.E. Hammurabi became king of Babylon
By 1754 B.C.E. he controlled all of Mesopotamia his empire was known as Babylonia
A set of 282 laws used to govern Babylonia It is the most complete law code from Mesopotamia Punishments were based on social class
Punishment is meant to fit the crime with “an eye for an eye” and a “tooth for a tooth” Trial by Ordeal - guilt or innocence is determined by subjecting accused to an unpleasant, usually dangerous experience. The accused is considered innocent if he escapes injury or if his injuries heal.
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Chapter 2 Lesson 4
1800 B.C.E. established the first widely followed monotheistic religion known as Judaism 1000 B.C.E. King David united the Hebrews in the new kingdom of Israel 925 B.C.E. the kingdom split. Israel in the north and Judah in the south
Adventurous traders from eastern edge of Mediterranean Sea Expert sailors. Sailed into Atlantic Ocean and the west coast of Africa Developed first alphabet
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SumeriansWheel, Babylonians Assyrians Hebrews Phoenicians
SumeriansWheel, cuneiform (writing), plow, irrigation system, calendar, the Epic of Gilgamesh BabyloniansCode of laws, advancements in math, science, & literature, massive building projects, Library AssyriansWheeled battering rams HebrewsFirst widely followed monotheistic religion w/ a holy book = Judaism PhoeniciansTrade routes that helped spread culture, expert sailors, alphabet