S.E. Hinton By: Brandon Gawel The outsiders S.E. Hinton By: Brandon Gawel
Plot At this time you will all have the opportunity to fill out your plot diagrams for your stories. http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://img.docstoccdn.com/thumb/orig/24968010.png&imgrefurl=http://www.docstoc.com/docs/24968010/Short-Story-Plot-Diagram&h=1275&w=1650&sz=61&tbnid=iMv-fk2V52HdQM:&tbnh=93&tbnw=120&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dplot%2Bdiagrams%2Bfor%2Bstories%26tbm%3Disch%26tbo%3Du&zoom=1&q=plot+diagrams+for+stories&usg=____7agnEwIQhymk2DmyRcI3PYciM=&docid=sG3l1S6hS-sx8M&hl=en&sa=X&ei=gDsZUermAcWGyQHfnYDwDQ&ved=0CD4Q9QEwAg&dur=284
Exposition We are introduced to a gang of boys called the Greasers. This gang is a tight knit family that looks out for the best in each other. This gang is led by Darrel, and the story is told through the eyes of the youngest member and Darrel’s young brother Ponyboy. This gang has occasional fights with the richer Socs.
Inciting incident Dallas hit Ponyboy, because Ponyboy came home late. Ponyboy runs and finds Johnny, so that they can talk about the incident.
Rising Action Ponyboy & Johnny are at the park, and a Soc car pulls up. The Socs are drowning Ponyboy, and Johnny kills a Soc. They end up running away to a church.
Climax The church catches on fire. Johnny and Ponyboy are claimed to be heroes for saving the children. Ponyboy and Johnny
Falling action Johnny dies, & Dally gets killed by cops Both of these evens inspire the gang to be strong and stand up for themselves.
Resolution The Greasers have a final rumble with the Socs, where they completely overpower and send the Socs running. Ponyboy commits himself to better the world around him, and is writing this book.
Literacy items Setting – where and when a story takes place 1965 – town and state are unknown The church West side and east side Narrator – from what point of view the story is told and explained to the reader Point of views first-person: The narrator is a character in the story and refers to himself as “I.” second person: The reader is the main character. Narrator uses the pronoun “you” when referring to the main character. third person: Neither the reader nor the narrator is the main character. Narrator uses the pronoun “he” or “she” when referring to the main character. This story is first person – told through Ponyboy’s eyes
Literacy items Foreshadowing – hints at what's going to happen later in a story Ponyboy adds suspense as he tells his story Irony- opposite of what is the stereotypical belief When the police are about to shot Dally – Pony boy says “Don’t shot him….”, but we know that Dally actually does want the police to kill him Also after Ponyboy and Johnny killed a Soc they run away to a church. They save children from a fire and are claimed as heroes.
Literacy items Mood – how a reader feels will reading In many cases, the reader relates a story back to our own lives We can all realte back to a time when we were bullied or when we did not agree fully with something someone said Moral – a lesson that can be read from the story Golden rule – treat others the way you want to be treated You don’t have to accept stereotypes
Themes Rich vs Poor Challenging stereotypes The Greasers were poorer then the rich Socs. Challenging stereotypes Greasers were linked to being dumb and only knowing about cars. Ponyboy challenged this stereotype by getting good grades and being extremely interested in school.
Character study Pony boy – A smart fourteen year old boy, who has no parents. He is part of the greaser gang, and the story is told through his eyes. He directly effects the story, and teaches Johnny how to read while they are hiding out. Johnny – Has a rough family background, looks at Ponyboy for complete comfort. Sees the greasers as a true family. Darrel – The guardian of Ponyboy, he is the oldest Curtis brother . He looks over for Ponyboy, and looks over the entire Greaser gang. Cherry – A Soc girl, cheerleader, who acts as a spy for the greasers. She likes ponyboy and sees a true boy insider him, and doesn't’t judge Ponyboy by his greaser stereotype. The judge – while he is a minor character he impacts the story with his decision
Vocabulary Switchblade- pocket knife Rumble- fight Siege – a military type blockade of a street Trap- mouth Madras- a fine plain-woven shirt Corvairs- 1960 sports car that was the first popular American car Fuzz – slang for cops Nonchalantly – in a composed and no concerned manner Shanghaiing – to put by force or threat of force heaters- slang for a handgun Vaguely –not clearly explained Mourning – in the act of grieving Outcast – someone who has been kicked out or pushed from society Cocky – being completely too sure about yourself Liable – held responsible by the law Guardian – someone who is legally in charge of someone or something Juvenile delinquent – a minor who is not being controlled by his parental authority and commits a crime Halt – end of movement Flinch – to withdraw from discomfort Abrupt – sudden
What does that mean?? Before Johnny dies, he says to Ponyboy, “Stay Golden Ponyboy”? Stay Gold