Focus on Writing Content-free Software
2 Categories of Software 1.Reinforcement (Drill & Practice Software) 2.Interactive Books (Talking Stories) 3.Content-free Software 4.Exploratory Software 5.Reference Software 6.Assessment Software 7.Access Tools / Software
3 3.Content-free Software Allows user to enter own content Benefits Use in many areas of curriculum Develop own materials to meet indiviual needs of students Helps students to overcome barriers to learning
4 Content-free Software Types: Word Processing Programs Writing Frames Word Prediction Word Bank Planning and Organising Desktop Publishing / Art & Design Applications Multimedia Authoring Systems Presentation
5 Word Processing Programs Enables user to produce wide range of professional looking products Benefits: Writing can help students develop word recognition and reading skills Highly motivational as students can express themselves without being worried about appearance Text can be moved, changed and copied easily
6 Word Processing Programs Benefits (cont.): Facilitates drafting and rewriting processes Spellchecker allows students to concentrate on content rather than spelling Picture or graphic can facilitate those with reading difficulties
7 Word Processing Programs Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of sentence building, sequencing, punctuation, etc. Basic keyboard skills Some mouse skills
8 Word Processing Programs Examples include: Appleworks Clicker 4* Granada Writer Inclusive Writer* Microsoft Word *denotes symbol-supported programs
9 Word Processing Programs Examples include: My World 3 Textease 2000 TextHELP! Read and Write Writing with Symbols* Writer’s Workshop Write on for Windows* *denotes symbol-supported programs
10 Word Processing Programs (Writing Frames) Supports students through the writing process by providing prompts and sentence beginnings Highly motivational as students can use frameworks to structure and complete a piece of writing Students can concentrate on content Written work is relevant to given topic
11 Word Processing Programs (Writing Frames) Examples include: I Can Write 2 The Big Editor Frameworks* *denotes software that may be suitable for older students
12 Word Prediction Run in conjunction with a word processing program and suggests words as text is entered When user types first letter of a word, a list of words appear Benefits Suggests words so students can concentrate on context rather than spelling Remembers words that student uses most frequently
13 Word Prediction Examples include: Co: Writer Penfriend Predict IT PredictAbility TextHELP! Read and Write
14 Word Bank Allows the teacher to input lists of words Broaden vocabulary Benefits Teacher can chose words that individual students have difficulty with Can input topic words, sentence starters, etc.
15 Word Bank Examples include: Wordbar Granada Writer* Clicker* Textease 2000* * word processors that include word banks