Biological Science Sea Turtles By Clarice and Nicole
Sea turtles habitats Where turtles live
Baby Turtle Facts Did you know that if the weather is cooler than more male turtles are born and if the weather is hotter than more female turtle is born.
The life cycle of a turtle
Hawksbill Facts 1.Did you know that a hawksbill turtle can grow up to 45 inches? Diet : Carnivore
Kemps Ridley/Olive Ridley 1.Did you know that the kemps ridley is the most endangered sea turtle? Diet Omnivore
Leatherback 1.Did you know that the leatherback turtle weighs about 2,000 pounds. (900 kilograms) Diet : Carnivore
Green Sea Turtle 1.The Green turtle was named from the color of the green flippers. Diet: Herbivore
Loggerhead 1.Did you know that the loggerhead is the most abundant out of all marine turtle species in U.S waters. Diet: Carnivore