Well Managed, Efficient Washington Hospitals Washington hospitals as a group consistently demonstrate lower rates of admission, shorter stays and lower outpatient visit rates than hospitals in most other states. The following slides illustrate key findings from the American Hospital Association’s 2010 survey of hospitals. For more information, contact Jonathan Bennett Updated February 2012 Washington State Hospital Association
Washington has one of the lowest bed rates in the nation Washington and Oregon have the fewest beds per thousand population. Data source: American Hospital Association 2010 Annual Survey of Hospitals Inpatient Beds per 1,000 Population
Washington State Hospital Association Washington has only two hospitals with more than 500 staffed beds 42 percent of Washington’s hospitals have fewer than 50 beds, compared to 32 percent of the hospitals in the nation. Data source: American Hospital Association 2010 Annual Survey of Hospitals Percent of Hospitals by Available Beds
Washington State Hospital Association Washington has fewer hospital admissions than the national average Inpatient Admissions per 1,000 Population (Age Adjusted) Washington has the seventh lowest admission rate in the country. Data source: American Hospital Association 2010 Annual Survey of Hospitals
Washington State Hospital Association The western states tend to have low bed rates and low admissions rates Data source: American Hospital Association 2008 Annual Survey of Hospitals
Washington State Hospital Association Washington has a very low average length of stay Data source: American Hospital Association 2010 Annual Survey of Hospitals Average Length of Stay Only five states have a shorter length of stay.
Washington State Hospital Association With shorter lengths of stay and fewer admissions, inpatient days in Washington are very low Inpatient Days Per 1,000 Population (Age Adjusted) Only Utah and Oregon have fewer hospital inpatient days per 1,000 population. Data source: American Hospital Association 2010 Annual Survey of Hospitals
Washington State Hospital Association Fewer, shorter hospital stays mean lower expenses per resident Hospital Expenses Per Capita Data source: American Hospital Association 2010 Annual Survey of Hospitals Washington’s average hospital expenditure per resident is lower than the national average.
Washington State Hospital Association Washington has much lower hospital outpatient utilization than most other states Outpatient Visits Per 1,000 Population Data source: American Hospital Association 2010 Annual Survey of Hospitals Washington ranks 15 th lowest in the nation. Outpatient visits per 1,000 population increased 13 percent from 1995 to 2010 in Washington compared to 34 percent for the United States.
Washington State Hospital Association Medicare admission rates in Washington are very low compared to other states Medicare Discharges Per 1,000 Population Data source: American Hospital Association 2009 Annual Survey of Hospitals, Oregon Association of Hospitals and Health Systems Washington has the 8th lowest rate of Medicare admissions.
Washington State Hospital Association Washington also has a low average length of stay for Medicare patients Medicare Average Length of Stay Only two states have a shorter length of stay for Medicare patients. Data source: American Hospital Association 2009 Annual Survey of Hospitals, Oregon Association of Hospitals and Health Systems
Washington State Hospital Association Medicare inpatient days in Washington are very low compared to other states Medicare Days Per 1,000 Beneficiaries Only three states have lower rates of Medicare days per 1,000 Medicare beneficiaries. Data source: American Hospital Association 2009 Annual Survey of Hospitals, Oregon Association of Hospitals and Health Systems
Washington State Hospital Association Fewer Medicare admissions mean lower Medicare payments per beneficiary Medicare Billings Per Capita Washington ranks 19th lowest in the nation and is lower than the national average. Data source: American Hospital Association 2009 Annual Survey of Hospitals, Oregon Association of Hospitals and Health Systems