Alsace and Lorraine and Problems in the Balkans
Today we are learning Why the areas of Alsace and Lorraine were a cause of tension between Germany and France. Why there were tensions within the Balkan region of Europe.
The regions of Alsace and Lorraine have long been a cause of tension between Germany and France. France had lost the regions to Prussia (Germany) in 1871 as punishment for defeat in battle.
Alsace and Lorraine were important regions to France as they contained coal and iron works which generated a great deal of money. It soon became a priority of the French to win back these regions. When the French army expanded they stationed troops along the German border waiting for an excuse to attack.
The Balkans The Balkans is the name for the south- eastern area of Europe. Within this area many ethnic minorities lived including Slavs.
The SLAVS are a race of people who have been in Europe since the 6th century. They have their own culture and languages for example Polish and Bulgarian. Problems in the Balkans were due to the fact that the Turks and the Austrians ruled over the area. The Slav peoples were often mistreated and longed for independence from their rulers.
Protector of the Slavs As the largest Slavic country, Russia was looked upon as the ‘protector of the Slavs’. When the Slav population was under threat from their rulers, they hoped the Russians would intervene to help them. The idea that all Slavs should help one and other is known as PAN-SLAVISM.
Collect a map of Europe. Colour and label the Balkan region. (use a key) Label Russia ‘the defender of the Slavs’. Don’t colour it in though – we will do this later when we look at alliances.