Flood Risk Review Meeting: [Watershed Name] [LOCATION] [DATE]
2 Meeting Objectives To review and discuss the mapping project data development methods To review and discuss the Risk MAP non-regulatory products and datasets To discuss how the products can be used to help make decisions to reduce flood risk To discuss benefits of and resources for local communication about risk to residents Answer questions
3 Risk MAP Project Status Where have we been? Discovery Risk MAP mapping project Study area A Study area B Study area C Digital conversion Other issues that need to be discussed proactively Where are we going? Flood Risk Review (TODAY) - Risk MAP risk assessment, communications Resilience Meeting - Risk MAP mitigation strategies, communications Final Meeting – mapping project results, review, discussion Public Meeting – local communication of mapping results, risk, mitigation
4 Flood Risk Datasets and Products Flood Risk Datasets Changes Since Last FIRM Flood Depth Grids Study Data Flood Risk Products Flood Risk Database Flood Risk Report Flood Risk Map Flood Risk Database Flood Risk Report Flood Risk Datasets Insert small image of zoomed-in CSFL Insert small image of zoomed-in workmap Insert small image of zoomed-in depth grid May have to update datasets to include whatever we are providing
5 Flood Risk Database Primary storage device for flood risk data Stores data to create: Flood Risk Report Flood Risk Map Delivered digitally Includes non-regulatory data for local use Data Delivered
6 Flood Risk Report Increases general flood risk awareness Risk definitions and causes Risk reduction techniques and mitigation practices Delivers community and project level results Project results summarized by: − Communities − County, Watershed, or Project Area Provides information to enhance other efforts Local hazard mitigation planning Local emergency management planning Local master planning and building development
7 Flood Risk Map Promotes risk awareness Contains results of Risk MAP project non-regulatory datasets Promotes additional flood risk data not shown but located within the Flood Risk Database Insert small image of zoomed in area of Flood Risk Map
8 Flood Risk Map Legend: Overview Replace this symbology with whatever we have on the flood risk map
9 Flood Risk Map: Local Data Viewing Insert Image of complete Flood Risk Map, with polygons to indicate local map review areas by table
10 Flood Depth Grids Show flood inundation as a function of an event’s magnitude or severity Show that flood risk varies within the floodplain Demonstrate the risks associated with different flood depths, probabilities, and velocity Serve as key inputs to HAZUS Risk Assessment Analyses Serve as pre-screening criteria for mitigation project potential (e.g., BCA > 1.0 with positive 10-yr depths)
11 1% Annual Chance Depth Grid: Overview INSERT ZOOMED-IN 100-YEAR EVENT DEPTH GRID
12 Depth Grids: Local Data Viewing Insert Larger Image of Depth Grid for project area, with polygons to indicate local map review areas by table
13 Flood Risk Assessment Quantifies flood risk in dollars: Potential damage severity for different flood frequencies Identify locations with possible cost effective mitigation options Identifies areas of relative flood risk: Floodprone areas Vulnerable people and property Helps estimate potential losses due to flood risk: Losses from Average Annualized Loss (AAL) Study Refined losses from new flood study depth grids
14 Flood Risk Assessment Data 2010 HAZUS Average Annualized Loss (AAL) Study Data Refined HAZUS and Other Risk Analyses Data Composite Data HAZUS MH Flood Risk Assessment Flood Risk Assessment Datasets
15 Risk Assessment: Local Data Viewing Insert full image of Risk Assessment for project area, with polygons to indicate local map review areas by table
16 Areas of Mitigation Interest Identifies areas that may be affecting flood risk that would benefit from raised local awareness Raises awareness of local stakeholders within and upstream of the watershed that may be contributing to flood risk and associated interrelationships Provides input to local mitigation plans
17 Areas of Mitigation Interest Items that may have an impact on the identified flood hazards or flood risks Insert item 1 Insert item 2 Insert item 3 Insert item 4 Insert photo from Areas of Mitigation Interest
18 AOMI: Local Data Viewing Insert full image AOMI for project area, with polygons to indicate local map review areas by table
19 Project Workmap (if relevant) Show Study Limits List study areas or use map visual Model Details Topography and Field Survey Hydrology Hydraulics Data Inputs Structures Discharge Locations
20 Workmaps: Local Data Viewing Insert Larger Image of workmap for project area, with polygons to indicate local map review areas by table Study Limits Model Details Topography Field Survey Hydrology Hydraulics Data Inputs Structures Discharge Locations
21 Communicating about Flood Risk Citizens expect to hear about flood risk from their local officials more than any other source By sharing flood risk information with them, they can: Take action to protect themselves, their families, and businesses Improve your community’s resilience to flooding Support implementation of your mitigation plan Review the “Communications Guide” for ideas of how to use these products to communicate risk Use risk data to identify areas for outreach
22 Risk MAP Tools Help Communicate Risk Community Awareness AOMIRisk Depth Grids Citizen engagement, community commitment, and mitigation action Update balls to include whatever we are providing
23 Next Steps Review and consider the risk data Consider communication strategies for educating public about flood risk Inform mitigation planning efforts underway Begin identifying appropriate mitigation actions Thanks for participating! We’ll be talking again soon.