© 2011 Crain Communications Inc. The Evolution of Facebook Brand Fans How and why users in six countries choose to interact with brands on Facebook
The Evolution of Facebook Brand Fans How and why users in six countries choose to interact with brands on Facebook Online interviews conducted between June 28 and July 10, Source: DDB Paris/Opinion Way Chart 1 METHODOLOGY Incidence rate of brand “likers” among Facebook users
The Evolution of Facebook Brand Fans How and why users in six countries choose to interact with brands on Facebook PROFILE OF FACEBOOK BRAND “LIKERS” Average user profile by gender/age/occupation/online purchases Source: DDB Paris/Opinion Way Chart 2
The Evolution of Facebook Brand Fans How and why users in six countries choose to interact with brands on Facebook FACEBOOK FREQUENCY OF USE Q: How often do you connect to Facebook? Source: DDB Paris/Opinion Way Chart 3
The Evolution of Facebook Brand Fans How and why users in six countries choose to interact with brands on Facebook FREQUENCY OF USE, EVOLUTION OVER THE PAST 6 MONTHS BY COUNTRY Q: In general, would you say that you spend more, less or as much time on Facebook as you did six months ago? Source: DDB Paris/Opinion Way Chart 4
The Evolution of Facebook Brand Fans How and why users in six countries choose to interact with brands on Facebook FREQUENCY OF USE, INTENTION TO USE IN FUTURE Q: In the future, do you think that you will continue to use Facebook? Source: DDB Paris/Opinion Way Chart 5
The Evolution of Facebook Brand Fans How and why users in six countries choose to interact with brands on Facebook MAIN REASONS FOR CONNECTING TO FACEBOOK Q: When you connect to Facebook, it is mainly… Source: DDB Paris/Opinion Way Chart 6
The Evolution of Facebook Brand Fans How and why users in six countries choose to interact with brands on Facebook Q: How often do you use each of the following game applications? Source: DDB Paris/Opinion Way Chart 7 FACEBOOK GAME USERS BY COUNTRY
The Evolution of Facebook Brand Fans How and why users in six countries choose to interact with brands on Facebook FACEBOOK GAME USERS Source: DDB Paris/Opinion Way Chart 8 Q: How often do you use each of the following game applications?
The Evolution of Facebook Brand Fans How and why users in six countries choose to interact with brands on Facebook MAIN REASONS FOR PLAYING FACEBOOK GAMES Q: Why do you play on Facebook? Base: Play with at least one game on Facebook. Several answers possible. Source: DDB Paris/Opinion Way Chart 9
The Evolution of Facebook Brand Fans How and why users in six countries choose to interact with brands on Facebook USE OF FACEBOOK PLACES Q: Do you use Facebook Places to... ^Total sample of those who do this every day *Low base. Source: DDB Paris/Opinion Way Chart 10
The Evolution of Facebook Brand Fans How and why users in six countries choose to interact with brands on Facebook BENEFICIARIES OF FACEBOOK PLACES’ SPECIAL DEALS Q: Have you already benefited from special deals or discounts through Facebook Places? Base: Users of Facebook Places. ^Total sample of those who do this every day *Low base. Source: DDB Paris/Opinion Way Chart 11
The Evolution of Facebook Brand Fans How and why users in six countries choose to interact with brands on Facebook FREQUENCY OF ONLINE PURCHASING Q: Over the past six months, how often have you purchased online? Source: DDB Paris/Opinion Way Chart 12
The Evolution of Facebook Brand Fans How and why users in six countries choose to interact with brands on Facebook VISITORS OF FACEBOOK ONLINE STORES Q: Some brands now offer online stores on Facebook. Do you recall already having visited one? Source: DDB Paris/Opinion Way Chart 13
The Evolution of Facebook Brand Fans How and why users in six countries choose to interact with brands on Facebook Source: DDB Paris/Opinion Way Chart 14 CONCERN ABOUT THE USE OF ONE’S PERSONAL DATA Q: Are you concerned about how your personal data may be used on…
The Evolution of Facebook Brand Fans How and why users in six countries choose to interact with brands on Facebook INTENTION OF PURCHASING ON FACEBOOK Q: If brands offered you the opportunity to buy their products directly on Facebook, would you be interested? Source: DDB Paris/Opinion Way Chart 15
The Evolution of Facebook Brand Fans How and why users in six countries choose to interact with brands on Facebook EXPECTATIONS FOR FACEBOOK ONLINE STORES Q: What would you like to see in a Facebook online store compared to a traditional online store? Base: Respondents interested in purchasing on Facebook. Source: DDB Paris/OpinionWay Chart 16
The Evolution of Facebook Brand Fans How and why users in six countries choose to interact with brands on Facebook NUMBER OF BRANDS FOLLOWED ON FACEBOOK Q: How many brands do you follow on Facebook? Source: DDB Paris/OpinionWay Chart 17
The Evolution of Facebook Brand Fans How and why users in six countries choose to interact with brands on Facebook NUMBER OF BRANDS FOLLOWED ON FACEBOOK BY AGE AND GENDER Q: How many brands do you follow on Facebook? Source: DDB Paris/OpinionWay Chart 18
The Evolution of Facebook Brand Fans How and why users in six countries choose to interact with brands on Facebook REASONS FOR FOLLOWING BRANDS ON FACEBOOK Q: The following suggestions may explain why we follow a brand on Facebook. For each, indicate whether you feel that it is very important, relatively important, not very important or not at all important. *Ads, making of ads, applications, etc. Source: DDB Paris/OpinionWay Chart 19
The Evolution of Facebook Brand Fans How and why users in six countries choose to interact with brands on Facebook OPINION ON THE BRAND’S INFORMATION FREQUENCY Q: In general, would you say that the information published by the brands you are subscribing to on Facebook is… Source: DDB Paris/OpinionWay Chart 20
The Evolution of Facebook Brand Fans How and why users in six countries choose to interact with brands on Facebook BEHAVIORS RELATED TO BRAND-PUBLISHED CONTENT Q: Have you already often and occasionally... Source: DDB Paris/OpinionWay Chart 21
The Evolution of Facebook Brand Fans How and why users in six countries choose to interact with brands on Facebook INTENTION TO PURCHASE ONE’S FAVORITE BRAND’S PRODUCTS Q: Since you have been following a brand on Facebook, would you say that you feel… Source: DDB Paris/OpinionWay Chart 22
The Evolution of Facebook Brand Fans How and why users in six countries choose to interact with brands on Facebook THE FAVORITE BRANDS ON FACEBOOK Preferred brands followed on Facebook among 1,528 respondents. The size of letters depends on the frequency of quoting each brand. Source: DDB Paris/OpinionWay
The Evolution of Facebook Brand Fans How and why users in six countries choose to interact with brands on Facebook REASONS FOR UNSUBSCRIBING FROM BRAND PAGE Q: Why did you unsubscribe from a Facebook brand page? Base: Have already unsubscribed from a brand page Source: DDB Paris/OpinionWay Chart 23