Lead Acid vs. Nickel Metal Hydride
Discover Clean & Green series Absorbed Glass Mat (AGM) Valve Regulated Lead Acid (VRLA) Low self discharge rates (Approx. 1%-3% per month at 20 °C–25°C / 68°F–77°F) Battery packs total 144V Weighs 89.5 lbs each Weighs 1074 lbs total
Performance Averages after 25 cycles
End Point Value: Voltage of the battery at the end of discharge period The current discharge rating decreases as the length of time of the current discharge & the end point voltage increases
The power discharge rating decreases as the length of time of the power discharge & he end point value increases
As depth of battery discharge increases, total numbers of times battery will successfully charge decreases
Nickel-Metal Hydride battery pack Ni-MH are known for having high specific power, a high energy density, a long cycle life, and for being a low maintenance choice Environmentally friendly Total weight of battery pack is 118 lbs compared to 1074 lbs in our 144V system Power output of 36 hp (27kW) Provides Volts (Gen III & IV) Panasonic Metal Case Prismatic Since 2004 model
Feb Prius has available in US for 10 years Consumer Reports did testing to determine lifetime of battery and cost to replace it 2002 Toyota Prius with over 200,000 miles on it compared to the nearly identical 2001 Prius with 2,000 miles tested by Consumer Reports 10 years before Results: Little difference in performance when tested for fuel economy and acceleration Overall fuel economy of the 2001 model was 40.6 miles per gallon, while the 2002 Prius with high mileage delivered 40.4 miles per gallon Effectiveness of the battery has not degraded over the long run. The cost of replacing the battery varies between $2,200 and $2,600 from a Toyota dealer, but low-use units from salvage yards are available for around US$500
Battery Details
Very little was changed for 2010 model Slightly redesigned Designed to last vehicle Life or up to 180,000 miles The shortest life cycle occurs when the battery pack is stored at high temperatures for long periods of time