Kenmore West Math Department Courses School Year
Math Department Flow Chart Algebra Geometry MATH 4/4H AP CALCULUS Intermediate Algebra Algebra 2 / Trigonometry AP STATISTICS MATH 4N
Types of Regents Diplomas (and how it relates to mathematics courses) TypeMathematics Requirements Regents At least 65% one math Regents exam 3 credits of math Regents with Advanced Designation At least 65% on all three math Regents exams (Algebra, Geometry, Algebra 2 / Trigonometry) 3 credits of math Regents with Advanced Designation with Honors At least 65% on all three math Regents exams (Algebra, Geometry, Algebra 2 / Trigonometry) with an average of 90% on any Regents exam taken 3 credits of math
Next Year in the Math Department… Intermediate Algebra Algebra 2 / Trigonometry Advanced Placement (AP) Statistics
Intermediate Algebra Statistics Based – Social Sciences in college (e.g., elementary school teacher, counselor, criminal justice) Students in this course will continue to build upon topics studied in Algebra & Geometry. Students who take Intermediate Algebra may go on to Algebra 2 / Trigonometry as their fourth year of Math and take the Algebra 2 / Trigonometry exam for advanced regents credit. (Refer to flow chart.) Topics in this course include: advanced algebra, trigonometry, normal distributions, vote-analysis methods, sampling distributions, and confidence intervals. Prerequisite: Successful completion of two mathematics courses
Algebra 2 / Trigonometry If you know you will take calculus in college…(e.g., engineering, medical, computer programming, etc.) Students taking this course should have a strong background in previous mathematics courses to be successful. This course will continue to build upon topics studied in Algebra and Geometry in order to prepare students for the Algebra 2 / Trigonometry exam. Topics in this course include logarithms, trigonometry, exponents, complex and real numbers, rational expressions, and functions. This course completes the requirements for a Regents major in mathematics. Prerequisites: 75% or higher in Algebra and on the Regents Algebra exam; teacher recommendation Examination: Algebra 2 / Trigonometry Regents exam in June
AP Statistics Advanced Placement Statistics is a full-year course designed to prepare students to take the AP Statistics examination and obtain college credit. The use of statistics is important and relevant in our society. Nearly as many college students are required to take a statistics course as are required to take a course in calculus. Students interested in fields such as psychology, business, or health medicine should consider enrolling in this course. For success in this college-level course, a high-level of motivation and self-discipline are demanded. A TI-83+ graphing calculator is required for the AP exam. Projects are an integral part of the course. The curriculum follows the recommended course outline of The College Board. Major parts of the curriculum are concerned with exploring data, planning studies, studying probability, and drawing statistical inferences. Prerequisites: Successful completion of three years of mathematics or a course grade of 90% in Geometry and/or teacher recommendation.
For your fourth year of math… Math 4N (may be renamed by your senior year) Math 4 / 4H (Pre-Calculus) Advanced Placement (AP) Statistics Advanced Placement (AP) Calculus
Math 4N Statistics Based – Social Sciences in college (e.g., elementary school teacher, counselor, criminal justice) This course is recommended for the average student whose plans include the possibility of post high school education but whose mathematics background has not prepared them for Math 4. Topics include linear programming, transformations of functions, sequences and series, logarithmic and exponential functions, problem solving algorithms, and informatics. Prerequisite: Successful completion of three years of mathematics
Math 4 / 4H PRE-CALCULUS!!! If you know you will take calculus in college…(e.g., engineering, medical, computer programming, etc.) The emphasis in this course is on preparing students to study Calculus. All material is covered at a demanding level which will provide the rigorous background needed for a study of Calculus. Topics include the study of polynomial and rational functions, modeling motion with vectors, polar graphing and extensions of logarithmic and trigonometric functions, as well as an introduction to calculus. Prerequisites: Successful completion of either Math 3/3H -or- Algebra 2 / Trigonometry; at least 65% on the Math B -or- Alg 2/Trig Regents exam
AP Statistics Advanced Placement Statistics is a full-year course designed to prepare students to take the AP Statistics examination and obtain college credit. The use of statistics is important and relevant in our society. Nearly as many college students are required to take a statistics course as are required to take a course in calculus. Students interested in fields such as psychology, business, or health medicine should consider enrolling in this course. For success in this college-level course, a high-level of motivation and self-discipline are demanded. A TI-83+ graphing calculator is required for the AP exam. Projects are an integral part of the course. The curriculum follows the recommended course outline of The College Board. Major parts of the curriculum are concerned with exploring data, planning studies, studying probability, and drawing statistical inferences. Prerequisites: Successful completion of three years of mathematics or a course grade of 90% in Geometry and/or teacher recommendation.
AP Calculus Advanced Placement Calculus (AB) is a full-year mathematics course designed to prepare students to take the AP Calculus examination and obtain college credit. This course is equivalent to a two-semester college calculus course and covers the theory, techniques, and applications of both differential and integral calculus, emphasizing properties of functions and their graphs. It follows the recommended course outline of The College Board. Most colleges require a student to take calculus in order to prepare for a career not only in mathematics and engineering, but also in the sciences, psychology, economics, and business administration. For success in the college-level course, a very high level of achievement, motivation, and self-discipline is demanded. A graphing calculator is required for both the AP and the local exams. Prerequisites: Minimum of 85% on Math B -or- Algebra 2/Trig Regents exam; Math 4/4H final grade of 90% or higher. (Math 3/3H -or- Algebra 2/Trig students by teacher recommendation only.)
Other important info…
Honors Policy To register for an honors course within the mathematics department, you must… Receive at least 85% on any state or local examinations (January or June) Receive a course average of at least 90% from the prior year (92% if registering from a non-Honors course in the prior year)
Most community colleges and 4-year colleges or universities require every entrant to take a mathematics placement exam – scoring low on that exam will require you to take an additional math course for NO credits! Math helps you learn to recognize mistakes in thinking and errors in arguments—it helps you learn how to solve the hard challenges in your life that no one has solved before. Math helps you handle data. The world is filled with more and more numbers, patterns, and data. Math gives you the important tools you need to deal with it all, make sense of it, and use it in your life. Why take math?
According to the Wall Street Journal: Mathematician is considered the Best Job ! Mathematicians median annual income was pegged at $94,160. The top 3 jobs on the list were: 1. Mathematician 2. Actuary 3. Statistician Why take math?
Title: Actuary $160,780/yrActuary Title: Air Traffic Controller $161,010/yrAir Traffic Controller Title: Architect $119,220/yrArchitect Title: Biologist $67,908/yrBiologist Title: Budget Analyst $100,360/yrBudget Analyst Title: Computer Scientist $151,250/yrComputer Scientist Title: Economist $149,110/yrEconomist Title: Electrical Engineer $93,933/yrElectrical Engineer Title: Inventory Control Specialist $90,247/yrInventory Control Specialist Title: Market Research Analyst $112,410/yrMarket Research Analyst Title: Mathematical Physicist $143,570/yrMathematical Physicist Title: Mechanical Engineer $87,611/yrMechanical Engineer Title: National Security Analyst $105,581/yrNational Security Analyst Title: Operations Research Analyst $118,130/yrOperations Research Analyst Title: Statistician $117,190/yrStatistician Title: Stockbroker $166,400/yrStockbroker Average Salaries for Mathematical Careers
Choose MATH for a great future! Algebra Geometry MATH 4/4H AP CALCULUS Intermediate Algebra Algebra 2 / Trigonometry AP STATISTICS MATH 4N