Want to be lovingly guided through your learning experiences?
So does your child. What program can do that? High Reach Learning can!
High Reach, High Reach, what do you see? Grounded in child development theory and practice Research based Parent communication and involvement Balance of child initiated and teacher facilitated activities Piaget, Erickson, Vygotsky & Bruner’s influence on me.
Theorists, theorists, what do you see? Fun (Toddlers/Twos) All About (3-4 years+) (5+)______________ For Me Me I’m Special In the Forest The forest My Home & MyNeighbors With Wheels, Wings & Other Things Things that go Off We Go With my senses Arts Let’s Pretend With amazing animals Amazing animals Eating Healthy/Growing Strong around town Around town Let’s go to work on the farm The farm How does your garden grow With nature Nature Animals, animals, animals in the Sun Sand & sea Bugs, butterflies and Spiders with games and toys Games & sports with rhymes and stories Rhymes and stories with colors Wild west We see theme units meeting kids’ developmental needs.
Theme Units, theme units, what do you see? Child initiated learning Teacher facilitated activities Developmentally appropriate lessons and manipulatives I see centers & activities based on me.
Centers, centers, what do you see? Free Choice Language/writing Listening/speaking Math Science Music Art Dramatic play Hands on learning all around me.
Hands on learning, what do you see? Teaching through social interaction with real objects: Meaningful and developmentally appropriate activity Carefully planned and engaging learning Phonemic awareness/beginning sound recognition Letter recognition/alphabet knowledge Language and literacy knowledge Cultural awareness Creative arts and dramatic play Math/numbers: blocks, shapes, science, cooking Group activities coming right after me!
Group activities what do you see? Social/emotional, language and muscle development (all ages) Self-Concept (18 mos+) Problem Solving (2+) Color, Shape (2+) & Number Recognition (3+) Sequencing, graphing & predicting (3+) Counting & 1:1 correspondence (3+) Character education (3+) Phonological Awareness: Songs, Rhymes &Finger plays (all) Alliteration, Clapping syllables (PK) Letter recognition and beginning sounds & vowel sounds (PK) Children learning all around me!
Children, children, what do you see? My friends and teachers having fun with me!
Monthly Curriculum Outlines
Pre-K Sample Lesson Plan
“Beginning with the needs and interests of the children, learning develops from meaningful experiences important to young children.” - High Reach Website
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