Welcome to Team Astronomers!
Team Teachers Nicole Maier – Math Francesca Neroni – Science Barbara Scholl – Reading Lindsey Stutz – English Sharon Caplan and Beth Hibbert – Read 180/math Leigh Purnell – Challenge Maria Malizia- Autistic Support
Geography Focuses on the 5 Themes of Geography and the 6 Essential Elements –Location, place, regions, movement and human-environmental interaction –The world in spatial terms, human systems, places and regions, physical systems, environment and society and the uses of geography Students visit… –North America – Mrs. Scholl –South America – Mrs. Maier –Europe – Mrs. Neroni –Africa – Mrs. Stutz Geography books and additional resources available online at – students have or will receive their usernames and passwordswww.hmhsocialstudies.com
Math – Mrs. Maier Everyday Math Program Small group activities within the classroom Grading –Test – 45% –Quizzes/Projects – 25% –Homework/Game Record Sheets – 10% –Classwork – 20% Test Review – Study guides will be sent home and the answer keys will be available on Mrs. Maier’s webpage (hard copy upon request) – we will NOT spend time in class doing a whole class review session. I am available during Flex and 8 th periods for help.
Math Computation Quizzes – each “C” day, basic skills practice, not part of student grade Game Record Sheets – each unit, should be signed by an adult – part of Homework grade Math Box “Quizzes” – end of each unit, should be completed during Daily Math – part of Classwork grade Participation Points – 100 at start of each MP, -1 point for being unprepared for class (no homework, pencil, book, etc.) – Homework grade
Reading-Mrs. Scholl We use the Storytown Anthology. This anthology can also be accessed online. The website is: Throughout the year we will be reading novels in groups. The IRP project is one that will begin during the second marking period where each student will read 1,000 pages. Every students is required to complete this assignment. More information will come home after the first marking period is finished. I post all of my homework and important information on my school district webpage. Grading –Comprehension- 35 % –Homework/Preparation- 20% –Skills-25% –Vocabulary- 20%
English- Mrs.Stutz (my teacher site has a lot of info) 6 th Grade Curriculum: The Sentence, Parts of Speech, Writing and Writing Craft Grade Distribution: Writing-35% Tests -30% Author Pallet / Journal/Quiz/Project-25% Homework-10% Edmodo- Homework, lessons, and resources. Parent codes for Edmodo, you can see your parent code when your child is signed in, or I can give you the code. Toolbox writing tools can be found on my teacher website. Extra Credit- I offer through a reading and writing assignment. Forms can be found on my teacher website.
Electronics Policy- See Skyview Website 1.Kindle, Nook, etc. Reading purposes only 2.Cell Phones Turned off, in lockers during the school day Backpacks belong in the front of the classrooms during 8 th period
Science – Mrs. Neroni Units of Study Scientific Method Metric Measurement Chemistry Planetarium Environment & Ecology
Science - Grading Grading will be calculated using points. Each graded paper or assignment will be given a point value and a student's grade will be the percentage of the total points earned. Point values are given to the following types of activities: class work, homework (may be graded or credited for completion), lab exercises, project/reports, quizzes, tests, and class preparation. Each student begins the marking period with a 15/15 for class preparation. One point will be deducted each time the student is not prepared for class.
6 th Grade Science Night June 2, 2015 (5:00 - 6:30PM) All sixth grade students will design and implement an individual science experiment. Much of the work will be started in class and finished at home. The entire experiment will be conducted at home with parent supervision. All students will present their project in class and later display their project board at the Skyview 6 th Grade Science Night. We will begin this project in January and finish in June Information will be sent home with your child in December or January. Updates will appear on my web page through June. It is important for your child to keep the pace. Don’t get behind! Please explore with your child as he or she selects, investigates and reports on a favorite area of science.
Homework Posted Online Astronomer Team Homepage Click on the Astronomer Homework Calendar tab - The entire team will have homework posted here under Homework Calendar - Other events/activities will also be posted for the team.
Character Counts Each month we recognize two students for each pillar. During a team meeting, these children are recognized, and get to sign a pillar hanging in our hallway. These students will also be posted to our team website, with a picture. (Astronomer Super Stars) –If your child is not to be photographed, we will not post their picture to our website.
Thank you for partnering with us, as we work together on behalf of your child. Looking Forward To A Great Year!