L&C Catalog Content on Certificates of Completion within Management
Number of Students “Identified” with L&C Program in BlazerNet as of Spring 2011 Management AAS Degree (321) Human Resources Certificate of Completion (20) Small Business Certificate of Completion (15) Note that students will sometimes be included in more than one program so double counting can occur.
Management/Human Resources Certificate of Completion Program Objectives Corresponding Courses Identify the major functions of a modern business, describe the various environments in which it operates and apply business concepts to specific situations. BUSN 131 INTRODUCTION TO MODERN BUSINESS Understand the legal infrastructure under which organizations operate and identify business issues with legal ramifications. BUSN 141 BUSINESS AND THE LEGAL ENVIRONMENT Demonstrate an understanding of the fundamental aspects of management in today’s environment and explain key management skills including decision making, leadership, ethical behavior and continuous quality improvement. MGMT 237 FUNDAMENTALS OF MANAGEMENT Describe positive management traits, skills and abilities and the role of management in selection, development, compensation of employees. MGMT 242 HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT
Management/Small Business Certificate of Completion Program Objectives Corresponding Courses Demonstrate a fundamental understanding of basic accounting concepts and demonstrate the ability to perform routine bookkeeping functions and complete the entire accounting cycle through financial statement preparation. ACCT 130 ACCOUNTING FOR SMALL BUSINESS Identify the major functions of a modern business, describe the various environments in which it operates and apply business concepts to specific situations. BUSN 131 INTRODUCTION TO MODERN BUSINESS Understand the legal infrastructure under which organizations operate and identify business issues with legal ramifications. BUSN 141 BUSINESS AND THE LEGAL ENVIRONMENT Demonstrate an understanding of the fundamental aspects of management in today’s small business environment and explain key management skills including decision making, leadership, ethical behavior and continuous quality improvement. MGMT 239 MANAGEMENT FOR SMALL BUSINESS
In response to surveys involving students, advisory committee members, and representatives from area firms, several new promotional activities have been initiated over the last several years. An improved web site presence was created New brochures were developed A radio commercial was aired on WLCA A TV commercial was shown on LCTV Active participation of faculty in SCORE and the Growth Association
Since all of the course requirements of the programs are already being offered to meet the needs of students in other business programs as well, some issues with regard to quality, cost and need are inherently difficult to isolate by program.
Comments on Methodology It should be noted that the business programs at L&C overlap in many ways. Students sometimes start with a short-term certificates and subsequently continue with their studies to complete degrees. Also, most of the courses are common to many programs. Therefore, it is often difficult to separate factors unique to a particular program. As a result, a lot of the information provided in this presentation will include Business Department data from departmental transfer courses and other business career program courses as well.
Recent changes are highlighted
Early Chronology and Assessment Instrument Relationships PAQ – Program Level SAQ – Course Level CAT – Classroom Session Level SAQ & PAQ results influence choice and design of CATs CAT & PAQ results influence choice and design of SAQs CAT & SAQ results influence design of PAQs CATsPAQsSAQs
Recent Chronology of Assessment Activities Procedural changes adopted in PAQ instruments “concerted to” increased use of course SAQs 2.Data collection expanded significantly 3.Number of questions doubled per course for program level assessment 4.New SAQs added for additional courses 5.Assessment at program level expanded to include certificate programs Procedural changes adopted in Expanded data collection to other courses 2.Piloted limited use of standardized CATs in Blackboard 3.Reduced frequency of SAQs per course 4.Shifted to assessment procedures with more emphasis on analysis during spring semester
Note: The above results are representative of students taking the courses, not just students in the certificate program. PAQ Generalized Results for
Certificate Program Need The certificate programs are not designed as stand alone programs to prepare someone for a career in business. However, they can serve as a good foundation for further study. They are also especially useful to the working adult that simply wants to expand their knowledge in a specific area of business. This can provide added expertise for an existing job or prepare the person for assuming added duties or a new position with the same firm or a different one. The certificates also provide documentation of learning experiences that can be added to a portfolio for seeking a promotion, a new position, or venture funding.
Data was gathered on the number of supervisory and accounting positions at the responding firms. Data was also gathered on the educational background of individuals in these positions. Information on Positions at Responding Firms Local Business Survey
Respondents were then given a brief recap of the business program options at L&C. The respondents were then asked about the appropriateness of the degree and certificate options for existing positions in their firm. Information on L&C Business Program Options
Average # of Positions per Firm for Which the Described Business Options is Appropriate
Certificate Program Cost Management/Human Resources Certificate of Completion Management/Small Business Certificate of Completion All courses required in these program are already being offered for other programs. Therefore, there are virtually no costs involved in the offering of this program.
“Representative” Program Course Enrollments Program Courses ACCT-130 (SMBU 139) BUSN BUSN BUSN MGMT MGMT Totals Overall enrollment reflect the effects of all business programs for which these courses satisfy a requirement. The demand for such classes can also reflect the needs of students in such programs as Thirty & Out and the bridge courses needed for transfer to senior institutions.
Strategies for Reducing Cost (applicable to all Business Department offerings) Some program changes resulted in the substitution of higher enrollment courses for lower enrollment courses. Made some changes to the schedule rotation to reduce the number of multiple-section classes. Eliminated some day classes and required all students to attend evening classes for some limited program requirements.
Business Department Average Class Size Year Sections Students Average Excludes independent study individual student co-op sections.
Business Department Overall Recent Enrollment History Strategies & Cost Consequences Academic Years Emphasis was placed on reduction of class sections to reduce cost and to eliminate most class cancellations & 2010 Academic Years Emphasis was placed on new initiatives such as 3+1 programs with senior institutions, the Thirty & Out Program, and the expansion of online offerings. Increased demand for classes resulted in more sections being offered. More recently, initial piloting of online sections and the effect of new multiple sections contributed to a modest decrease in class size.