Realize. It starts with you. The University Budget Context and Challenges University of Regina Senate 9 February 2013
Challenging times in PSE 2
3 … and Guelph …
Source: The Atlantic, 23 January states-that-have-slashed-higher-education-spending/267427/ The US context
5 11/6/2009
6 11/6/2009 University of Regina Budget Website
7 11/6/2009
University revenues
University expenditures
10 11/6/2009
source: U Regina Office of Resource Planning, Oct 2012 Prov Grant is Fiscal Yr, Enrolment & CPI are as of Fall of Fiscal Year; CPI, and Enrolment are estimated for
Operating Grant Increases +$304 mill +$100.9 mill +$143 mill Hon. Don Morgan, Minister of Advanced Education Sask. Hansard. Nov. 19, 2012 pg. 1988
Undergraduate tuition and fees (Average of 1 st year Arts program by province, current academic year) University/Region Average tuition plus mandatory fees Memorial University of Newfoundland$3,059 Manitoba Universities$4,660 BC Universities$5,209 University of Regina$5,788 University of Saskatchewan$5,817 University of PEI$6,096 New Brunswick Universities$6,689 Alberta Universities$6,951 Nova Scotia Universities$7,033 Ontario Universities$7,366 Quebec Universities (English speaking)$7,489 Source: University of Regina, Office of Resource Planning. Quebec figures are for Canadian out-of-province students.
Percentage of Administrative Salaries in Academic Units f
Salaries and benefits by Employee Group as a Percentage of Total f
Where are students enrolling? f
Faculty enrolments and resources (Fall 2012; enrolments UG + GR; budgets do not include employee benefit costs) EnrolmentBudget (nearest 000)Credit Hours Arts 2,13714,847,00029,165 Business 1,7315,869,00011,458 Education 1,8027,024,00014,585 Engineering 1,1495,985,0007,419 Fine Arts 3535,347,0004,103 JSGS 1271,262, KHS 6447,880,0007,299 Nursing 6744,089,0005,550 Science 1,07812,131,00019,471 Social Work 1,0742,592,0005,850
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