Influence of Religion ~ Chapter III ~ Pages
Three major religions influenced the formation of democracy through their teachings of individual worth, responsibility of individuals, & responsibility to the community. These religions were… Judaism Christianity Islam
Religion A set of beliefs… Existence of a higher power, spirits, or god An explanation of the origins & purpose of humans and their role on earth Involves rituals, festivals, rites of passage, & space
Judaism The Hebrews (Jews) were monotheistic & believed that God was perfect, all knowing, all powerful, & eternal Believed God wanted people to live moral lives – unlike the other religions which believed that the gods just wanted rituals & sacrifices The Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) says that God created man in his own image so they reasoned that each person had dignity because he/she was a child of God Greeks & Romans believed dignity came from the ability to reason
Jews also believed that God gave them the ability to choose between good and evil, thereby making them responsible for their actions. Jewish people had a written code of laws – The 10 commandments – believed to have been given to Moses by God between BC Moral laws as opposed to secular laws & everyone was subjected to them Leaders & teachers of Judaism, called prophets, spread religion & ideas that people should oppose… Oppression Injustice Help the less fortunate Live by high moral standards
Judaism ~ Basic Principles Belief in one God Torah – original 5 chapters of Bible Prophecy of Moses Waiting for the coming of the Messiah Atonement accomplished by sacrifices, penitence, and good deeds
Christianity ~ Background Word Christianity is derived from Christ’s name & is the name of the religion founded by Jesus Jesus was born somewhere between 6 – 0 BC, depending on which historian you listen to. He was a Jew and a Roman subject because the Roman Empire had spread to the Eastern side of the Mediterranean Jesus began teaching around the age of 30 – his message was a mixture of Jewish doctrine, monotheism, and the 10 commandments.
He spread the ideas that… God is a kind & loving God People should love & take care of each other People should repent when they sin If they repent, they would enjoy eternal life in the Kingdom of Heaven Because of Jesus’ popularity some were referring to him as “King of the Jews” and was viewed as a political threat and was eventually crucified. After 3 days, he rose from the dead & went to heaven Christians believe that Jesus is/was the son of God
After his death, Jesus’ followers began to spread his message. Paul was particularly influential with his teachings that Christianity was a universal religion and that everyone is equal in the eyes of Jesus Man historians believe that those teachings were the foundation of the democratic principle that “all men are created equal” Even though the Roman Empire didn’t like the Christian or Jewish teachings, they were partially responsible for the spread… 1 st – Roman expulsion of Jews from their homeland in 70 AD 2 nd – Thanks to Constantine, Christianity became the official religion of the Empire in 380 AD It eventually spread to Europe and beyond
Christianity ~ Basic Beliefs Belief in one God Father, Son, & Holy Spirit Covenant (contract with God) New Testament in Bible Salvation by grace &/or beliefs Believers to heaven with eternal life Conversion of others
Islam Monotheistic religion, began in the early 600’s in Southwest Asia Based upon the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad He taught that all people were equal & focused on the worth of the individual, as well as others Muhammad died at the age of 62 & left behind a legacy of unification of the Arabian Peninsula under Islam
Holy Scripture = Qur’an God = Allah Followers = Muslims “one who has submitted” Islam - “submission to the will of Allah”
Islam – Basic Beliefs/Practices There is good & evil Individuals are responsible for their own actions Must perform/carry out the Five Pillars There will be a final day of judgment where each person stands before Allah & he will send them to heaven or hell
The Five Pillars of Islam 1.Faith – no god but Allah & Muhammad is the messenger of Allah 2.Prayer – Face Mecca five times a day at a Mosque or wherever they are 3.Alms – Must support the less fortunate. Give money or pay a religion tax to support poor 4.Fasting – Holy month of Ramadan, fast between dawn & sunset 5.Pilgrimage – at least once in life travel to Mecca, Saudi Arabia