Stakeholder Event 19 March 2015 Andy Crone Tel: Mob:
SSO/SSC Session “If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading” Lao Tzu
SSO/SSC Session The current view from an SQA Accreditation perspective The operating environment Demands and challenges What we can change vs What we cannot
SSO/SSC Session Opportunities for Improvement: Remove recurring problems Adherence to guidance/requirements Understanding (processes, needs, expectations and working timescales) Failing to plan… Contingencies / Adaptability
SSO/SSC Session Identified Key Improvement Areas: Consultation –Planning –Activity and timelines Quality of submissions –Self checking –Accreditation Manager QA role –Applying lessons across projects
SSO/SSC Session Identified Key Improvement Areas: Project planning –AM involvement from the start and throughout –Working/Steering groups –Functional mapping Constraints of systems and processes –NOS Database –U.S. funding timelines
SSO/SSC Session Successes Supported by: Consistently keep AMs involved with quality communication Systematic approach to the development and maintenance of NOS and qualifications Familiarity and adhering to NOS quality criteria and guidance Establishing working/steering groups Projects submitted early, allowing contingencies Good open relationships between SQA Accreditation and SSOs/SSCs
SSO/SSC Session What SQA Accreditation Need to Consider: Consistency from Accreditation Managers Support for new staff / projects / SSOs Understanding of SSO operating environment Anything else?
SSO/SSC Session Moving Forward: What would we like to happen? What needs to happen (for that desired outcome)? Can what needs to happen, happen? Will we do what needs to happen? SQA Accreditation's website:
SSO/SSC Session A Common Agenda: Increased mutual appreciation Improved collaboration Collective impact
SSO/SSC Session First Steps: NOS Training AM involvement in project planning Tell us what you need
SSO/SSC Session “Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results” Albert Einstein/Benjamin Franklin/Mark Twain/Rita Mae Brown?