8 th grade Science Selinsgrove Area Middle School N. Sassaman
Use your textbook along with the online sources listed in this PowerPoint to answer the questions in your packet. Many of the websites repeat the same information. Use that repetition to help reinforce your understanding of each topic. Complete the REVIEW AND REINFORCE worksheets in your packet as you complete your WebQuest questions.
Chem4Kids – Atoms all around us: Teachers Domain – Atomic Structure: Jefferson Lab – All about atoms: Tutor Vista – Structure of an atom: animation.php animation.php NDT resource center – Creation of Magnetic Fields: ed.org/EducationResources/HighSchool/Magnetism/fieldcreation.htm ed.org/EducationResources/HighSchool/Magnetism/fieldcreation.htm Magnetic fields - It is all related to electricity :
Just what is Magnetism?: NDT resource center – magnetic domain: ed.org/EducationResources/HighSchool/Magnetism/magneticdomain.htm ed.org/EducationResources/HighSchool/Magnetism/magneticdomain.htm MagLab - Magnetic domains ndex.html ndex.html
How magnets work: Fact Monster – Magnetism: Magnetism (try the Quiz linked from this page): Magnetic Field lines:
Engineering Interact – Magnetic forces module: neticforces.htm neticforces.htm The Basics of Magnetism (quiz at the end): Magnetic Field lines animation (click on links!!): **Audio Stories – Electricity and Magnetism (click on ‘Media’ and ‘Audio Stories’): ** need headphones
Review of Magnetism – Rags to Riches game: Fun Games with Magnetism: Electric and Magnetism Battleship:
HowStuffWorks – Electromagnets: Electromagnets game: ##Science Bob – make an electromagnet: ## we will do this in our lab! Read it over.
**Interactive lesson on Static Electricity and Magnetism: ce/static_electricity/flash/h-frame-ie.htm ce/static_electricity/flash/h-frame-ie.htm ##Science made simple – Static electricity: ##Explore static charge (interactive): harge/emm05_pg7_charge.html harge/emm05_pg7_charge.html PhET Interactive Simulations – Balloons and static electricity (interactive - click on ‘Run Now’): Energy story – Resistance and Static Electricity (scroll down and click on two tabs about static electricity): ** need headphones ## lab activity
National Geographic – Make Lightning Strike: disasters/lightning-interactive/ disasters/lightning-interactive/ **Lightning animated video (the narrator is kind of scary, but the info is good): educational-movies/free-online-movies.php?movie=lightning educational-movies/free-online-movies.php?movie=lightning Static electricity crossword puzzle: ** need headphones
Magnet Man – Magnet basics (paramagnetic and diamagnetic materials): Earth’s magnetic field and magnetosphere: ew.html ew.html NOVA - Gallery of Auroras: Geophysical Institute – FAQ about Aurora: Video of Aurora Borealis from NASA: gang/post/video-awesome-aurora-australis-from-international-space- station/2011/09/22/gIQAfVrinK_blog.html gang/post/video-awesome-aurora-australis-from-international-space- station/2011/09/22/gIQAfVrinK_blog.html The Van de Graaff Generator (static electricity):
Be sure to complete the ‘Review and Reinforce’ worksheets in your packet. The ‘Enrich’ worksheets are optional, but great information to learn about.