Foot and Mouth Disease
E TIOLOGY Apthovirus (Picornaviridae)
E PIDEMIOLOGY Affects all cloven footed animals (Cattle, Buffalo, Pig, Sheep & Goat) Highly contagious Low mortality Great economic impact world wide due to production loss Africa, Asia, South America, Part of Europe are endemic Japan, New Zeland & Australia are disease free
P REVALENCE Serotypes: O, A, C Asia1, SAT1, SAT2, SAT3 O & C occur most commonly Disease generally occurs as a outbreak and spreads from heard to heard. Morbidity: up to 100% Mortality: 2% (adults) 20% (Young ones)
T RANSMISSION Direct contact Infected feed, water, farm utensils Milk man All the excretions of the affected animals contains organism Wind speed of 4m/sec & relative humidity >60% Infection can be windborne as far as 250kms Wild animals act as reservoir
C LINICAL SIGNS Fever Profuse salivation Vesicles in mouth, feed, udder, nostrils Sudden death in young ones
FMD OBR at Usilampatty taluk Madurai
On field veterinarian informed ADIU, Madurai about incidences of FMD by mobile phone. (WE CAN MAKE USE OF NEW BB/COMPUTER FACILITY) Animal Disease Intelligence Unit visited the village, samples are collected and sent to IVPM, Ranipet by special messenger. Reports are communicated to Head office by FAX & Mobile phone.
Results from IVPM is received by post. In emergency situations results are received by telephonic message. Teams of doctors are deployed to carryout vaccination and treatment. Population of animals at affected village and villages covering 8 kms radius is calculated Vaccination to the risk group is organised
Daily report about disease status is communicated to head office by FAX for 7 days after fresh attack. Daily report will be having, Number of fresh attack, death, Number of ailing animals and number of dead animals. Number of animals vaccinated
Final report will be having Number of affected animals, dead animals Number of animals vaccinated Economic loss to farmer due to deathproduction loss Weekly reports are sent to head office by post for 4 consecutive weeks. If there is no fresh attack final report is sent after 4 weeks