A series of steps that you take to make a good decision. Helps you stay focused.
The Career Decision-Making Process has four steps. 1. Know Yourself 2. Explore 3. Evaluate 4. Decide
My values are… My top interests are… My strongest skills are… My talents are… I would describe my personality as… The lifestyle I want is… The training or education I would like is… Can you answer these questions???
Explore careers Learn about career clusters Use the internet to do career research Do you have the information you need about your career?? Do more research Ask questions Talk to people
To evaluate means to look at its good points and bad points. Evaluate how well the career matches your: Values Interests Skills Talents Personality Desired lifestyle Desired training and education
Look at your career evaluation. Which career is best for you?? No career is a perfect match Every career will have something you don’t like Find the BEST match