Book club Literary devices.


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Presentation transcript:

Book club Literary devices

alliteration Aphorism: A repetition of sounds in quick succession (it can be vowel sounds, or consonant sounds) at the beginning of the word. The wicked witch of the west wrestled with Walter. Aphorism: A wise saying, maxim… some phrase aimed at imparting sense and wisdom. “Shape up or ship out.”

Assonance The repetition of sounds produced by vowels within a sentence or phrase. A long song.

Allusion When the author refers to another subject matter like a place, event, or literary work by way of a passing reference. The reader is supposed to make the connection. A book mentioned within another book. When you watch a movie and there’s another movie playing in the background. Analogy The relationship based on similarities between two concepts or ideas. It’s like a mini story to help the reader understand the point.

“figures” of speech A form of expression (like a simile or metaphor) used to convey meaning or heighten effect.

anecdote Short story which is usually funny, amusing, interesting, or odd. It’s often a reminiscence from one of the characters.

Foreshadowing Most often hints or clues of what’s coming in a story. Foreshadowing is used to suggest an upcoming outcome to the story without revealing too much of the story. Flashback Specific events that took place in the past. Usually the main character is remembering something that happened earlier. Sometimes it takes place like a dream. We need flashbacks to fill in the blanks that the story didn’t already give us.

irony Words whose literal meaning is different from how it’s used. Usually the situation is what becomes ironic. The outcome is different than what was expected.

Imagery: Words and phrases used to create mental images for the reader. The five senses are involved. “painting a picture” in the reader’s mind. The gushing brook stole its way down the lush green mountains, dotted with tiny flowers in a riot of colors and trees coming alive with chirping birds. Onomatopoeia: Words that sound the same as the sound they make Buzz, bonk, snap, grunt, huff…

paradox Ideas that contradict one another but have significant value when placed together.

Parody A piece of writing that imitates the styles of someone or something else in an amusing way Personification Giving human qualities to non-humans The trees dancing in the breeze.

pun A word is used to suggest two possible meanings. Usually used to create humor. Did you hear about the guy whose whole left side was cut off? He’s all right now.