The Search for “Order” at Home and Abroad: The Progressive Movement & WWI 1900(1)-1920(1) Subunit #1: Progressivism & the Republican Roosevelt
Part One: Progressivism: Background & Beliefs
Progressive Philosophy & Roots Between industrialists monopolized economic & political power –Corporate state, not the people, ruled –Move from “nightmares” to “order” in industrial America with the Progressives Govt. would become an agency of change to make the system fairer –Activist state had to rebalance system due to inequality of the laissez-faire govt. –Roots in Jefferson, Jackson, abolition, Populists
Literary Criticism Henry George’s Progress & Poverty Edward Bellamy’s Looking Backward Thomas Nast’s political cartoons Jacob Riis’ How the Other Half Lives Helen Hunt Jackson’s A Century of Dishonor Jane Addams’ work with the poor Emma Goldman’s anarchist philosophy Jacob Riis
New York City Tenements
The Muckrakers Muckraker coined by TR –Meaning is one who digs deep –Critical of their work Muckrakers tried to expose underside of America & make it public –Long on complaint, short on solutions –Wanted to cleanse capitalism, not overthrow it –Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle which exposed injustices of capitalism through meatpacking industry –TR passed the Pure Food & Drug Act in 1906 Upton Sinclair
Progressives & Their Goals Progressives were middle class reformers –Felt squeezed from above & attacked from below by radical groups who wanted a fairer share of the wealth Goals –Use power of federal govt. to curb trusts –Use states power to curb socialist threat by improving common person’s life & labor conditions
Progressive Proposals of Reform Took ideas from Populist Ocala Demands –The initiative, referendum, & recall –Direct primary elections of party candidates –Corrupt Practices Act to adopt Australian secret ballot, control corruption –Direct election of U.S. Senators (17th Amendment, 1913) –Women’s suffrage (19th Amendment, 1920) –Child labor
City & State Progressivism Robert “Fighting Bob” La Follette –Progressive governor & senator from Wisconsin (key reform state) –Overcame industrial control of his state –Took struggle from state to national level Lochner v. New York (1905) –Supreme Court remained conservative ruling a state’s max. working hour law was unconstitutional Muller v. Oregon (1908) –Court upholds constitutionality of state law establishing different hours & conditions for women because they were “fragile” Robert “Fighting Bob”La Follette
City & State Progressivism Triangle Shirtwaist Fire (1911) –Fire in NY’s garment industry incinerating 146 young women –Unsafe working conditions left without repair due to cost –Impetus for changing laws 18th Amendment (1919) –Prohibition laws passed to ban selling & consumption of alcohol, targeted immigrants Firefighters attempt to put out the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire of 1911.
The bodies of women who jumped out of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory attempting To escape the flames.
A morgue for the 146 victims of the Triangle Shirtwaist fire.
Part Two: The Theodore Roosevelt Presidency
TR’s Rise to Power Old Guard Republicans in NY were tired of dealing with his reforms as Gov. of NY Popular due to role as head of Rough Riders in Cuba during Sp-Am War TR became VP candidate as a result McKinley was assassinated in September 1901 making TR president
TR’s Square Deal TR’s Square Deal & its Three “C’s” #1- Control of corporations –1902 Anthracite Coal Strike First time govt. didn’t threaten use of troops –Dept. of Commerce & Labor –Strengthening of ICC Elkins Act of 1903 & Hepburn Act of 1906 –Busted Northern Securities Co. monopoly –TR as a trust buster Regulator & controller of business, not destroyer
Square Deal (cont.) #2- Care for Consumers –The Jungle influenced TR to pass the Pure Food & Drug Act 1906 –Ensured meat & drugs met minimum health standards #3- Conservation of Natural Resources –1902 Newlands Act estab. Irrigation in West –National Park system estab. –TR & head of Forestry Pinchot were conservationists, not preservationists; middle ground Gifford Pinchot
Roosevelt Panic Panic was short, but severe Financial world blamed Panic on TR Panic led to Aldrich-Vreeland Act 1908 –Allowed banks to print currency during Panic to solve currency shortage problem –Led to creation of Federal Reserve System in 1913 to manage currency issues
TR: Conservative Reformer TR made needed reforms of the capitalist system while preserving capitalism from radical assaults –Theory on trust busting –Response to The Jungle unwillingness to recognize union in Anthracite Coal Strike –Position on Hetch-Hetchy Dam
TR’s Legacy Tamed capitalism’s excesses Protected capitalism’s existence Sought middle ground in reforms between business & radicals Sought conservationist middle ground Increased power of presidency Established activist govt. Called for end to U.S. isolation
Part Three: The Taft Presidency 1908(9)-1912(3)
Taft & TR’s Three “C’s” Control of Corporations –Taft brought 90 suits against trusts in 4 years, TR brought 44 in 7 years –Taft broke up Standard Oil & U.S. Steel in 1911 angering TR Caring for Consumers –Payne-Aldrich Tariff narrowly lowered tariff which angered Prog. who hoped for a greater reduction Conservation –Ballinger-Pinchot controversy in 1910 after Taft & Ballinger (Sec. of Interior) opened some land to corporate development angering Pinchot
Taft & the Republican Party Republican factions –Conservative, laissez-faire Old Guard –Progressive, reform-minded New Guard –Taft was pushed to the Old Guard TR’s “New Nationalism” –TR attacked Taft for selling out reforms & becoming pawn of corporations –More radical than Square Deal –Many similarities to FDR’s New Deal