Strategy for coordination, collaboration and cooperation in open and distance learning Possible areas to be included in the strategy
Coordination Defining the Distance Education Student Develop a national model for the implementation of open and distance learning in TVET colleges (sustainability) – Relevant curricula – Single provider (?) Single point of development of Learning Materials - Technisa – Registration and approval of programmes to be offered by distance – Cross institution/border Distance Education – Quality Assurance – Assessment – Time allocated to trimesters/semesters – Staffing norms and payment (?) – Practical subjects/WIL – Guidelines for costing (subject) – Criteria for enrolment
Coordination Capacity building of lecturers and managers Develop a funding model for the implementation of open and distance learning in TVET Colleges – Guidelines for costing and funding – Funding norms – Funding support for Distance Students Improve ICT access – Connectivity – Cost of connectivity/infrastructure – Network of learning support Centres
Coordination Learner Support – Develop a network of student support centres – Develop a network of exam centres – Professional support service Call centre Support to students Assessment/Examinations – Policy – Guidelines – Credibility of assessment/year mark – Rethink ICAS and assessment – Administer of exams – Moderation of student evidence – UMALUSI, DHET and QCTO – Infrastructure norms for exams Network of high quality providers – Relationship between public and private providers – Accreditation of Quality Assurers Advocacy strategy
Collaboration/Cooperation Develop a shared understanding of open learning in TVET Colleges Develop a database of examples of distance education in TVET Colleges Case studies Develop a platform for sharing Materials development/sharing