Blood bank Manager Login Page This is Login Page :- User Name :- birlatech Password :-bt
Main Page This is the main screen of the Blood Bank manager Software. You can see all the modules are included here.
Camp Entry Camp Entry: Precamp survey Camp entry Pre camp survey: -- (survey of camp or setup information before conducting camp. ) Camp Entry: -- (setup information of camp when camp conducting) This both option is used to store information of camp. Like camp info staff and setup information. Fill that information and save record.
Add Hospital Information Add Hospital: -- This option is used to storing Hospital information. Fill the entry and save record.
Manufacture Company Information Manufacture Company Information: -- This option is used to storing Hospital information. Fill the entry and save record.
Donor Blood Bag Entry Blood Bag Entry: -- Blood bag entry option used to entering the detail of new blood bag information/ Donor information. Like HB, Weight etc. This entries conducting by three ways like Camp:- this options entering donor or blood bag information from camp here we required camp entry from camp menu, Routine:- this options entering donor or blood bag information which is conducting in blood bank, Manual:- this options entering donor or blood bag information manually.
Blood Test Entry Blood Bag Test: -- This option is used to insert the information or result of blood test of single blood bag like HIV, Atypical Antibodies etc.
Donor Blood Grouping Blood Grouping (Donor): -- This option is used to entering the blood group information of Donor by ‘+’ and ‘–‘ sing. After inserting information it will display blood group.
Create Blood Component Entry Blood Component: -- this option is used to generating multiple components of single blood bag you just select blood bag and enter QTY for every component and press save button and updating it in to stock of blood bag. Before generating this component you must enter data in following forms that is blood bag entry, Blood grouping (donor), Blood bag test, multiple serology test.
Fill Blood Bank Information Blood Bank Information: -- This option used to enter the information of blood bank. Like name of blood bank, address of blood bank.
Donor Rejection Entry Donor Rejection Entry form: -- This option is used to fill entry of rejection of blood bag.
Patient Reaction Work Up Entry Reaction Work Up Report: -- This option is used to fill entry of donor reaction after donation.
Blood Donor Questionnaire Entry Blood donor Questionnaire: -- This option is used to fill answers entry of donor questionnaire.
Patient Requisition Entry Patient's Requisition: -- This option used to send the requirement from patient to blood bank also enters the information of previous transfusion. This option also gives to link of cross match receipt. Before using this option you must enter data in Patient information, blood grouping (Patient) option.
Cross Match Receipt Cross Match Receipt: --This option used to enter data of cross match receipt like QTY of cross match amount of cross match.
Cross Match Reports Against Patient Request. Patient's Requisition: -- This option used to send the requirement from patient to blood bank also enters the information of previous transfusion. This option also gives to link of cross match receipt. Before using this option you must enter data in Patient information, blood grouping (Patient) option. Cross Match: --This option used to store the record of cross match or entry of cross match. Before using this option you must enter data in Patient information and blood grouping (Patient) and Patient Requisition option as well as successfully creation of required blood component or whole blood entry.
Issue Blood Bag Entry Issue Blood Bag: --This option used to fill the entry of issuing blood bags. Before using this option you must store record of cross match against that particular patient.
Cross Match Receipt Cross Match Receipt: --This option used to enter data of cross match receipt like QTY of cross match amount of cross match & Generate new CMR Number.
Income Report Income Report: --This option used to see the report of income in particular date range. Before using this option you must create bills.
Patients Information Entry Patients Information: -- This option used to fill the information of patient.
Monthly CMIS Reports. Monthly CMIS Format: --This option display the report of monthly CMIS.
Details Of Login Login Details --This option report of data login users.
Blood Grouping & Serology Report Blood grouping This option gives you blood grouping and blood test report.
Bag Record Register Blood Record Register: --This option display the detail record of blood bag.
Donor List Donors list: This option display list of donor by different criteria, which is shown on this form. You must save at least one record in blood bag entry option.
Donor Card Report Donor’s card:-- This option displays the card of selected donor.
Donor Register Reports Donor’s Register: --This options display total history or detail of donor.
Blood Bag Expiry Status Report Blood Unit Stock Book: This option display the detail record of whole blood bag blood bag type wise stock You must save at least one record in with single blood bag type in blood bag entry option.
Patients List Patient List: --This option display the list of patient You must save at least one donor record in Patient Information option.
Blood Requisition Report Requisition register: --This option displays the record of blood bag requisition.You must save at least one donor record in Patient requisition option.
Component Stock Register Component stock: --This option display the detail record of component wise stock You must save at least one record in blood component .
Cross Match Report Against Patient Request Cross match report:-- This option displays the record of cross match report You must save at least one record in cross match option.
Stock Position Stock position –summary:-- This option display the detail record of group wise stock You must save at least one record in blood component.
Test Register Test register:-- This option display the record of every blood bag by test wise You must save at least one record in blood bag test.
Blood Component Issue Register Issue register: --This option display the issue record You must save at least one record in issue blood bag.
Camp Register Reports. Camp register: --This option displays the record of camp registration. You must save at least one record in camp register.
Employee Report Employee report: --This option displays the detail of every employee.You must save at least one record in Staff info.
Test Wise Donor List Test wise donor list: --This option display test wise report of every donor. You must save at least one record in blood bag test with result after generating component.
Final Bill Receipt Patient Bill: --This option used to generate bill of Patient Refund receipt of Patient and advance receipt of patient. Before using this option you must create cross match receipt.
Income Reports (Final Bill) Income Report: --This option used to see the report of income in particular date range. Before using this option you must create bills.
Cross Match Income Report Cross Match Receipt: --This option used to enter data of cross match receipt like Bill Amount, Receipt Date,Discount,Emergancy Charges of cross match amount.