GeoTango Globe™ Distributed and Interoperable Visualization Exploitation & Fusion Technology for COP Vincent Tao, PhD, Founder Simon Stachniak, Globe Product Manager GeoTango International Corp. Toronto, Canada
Introduction GeoTango is a leading software company in geospatial 3D technology. GeoTango owns significant Intellectual Properties and has mastered ways on its unique distributed Viz/Cop technology offering the truly revolutionary and cost-effective solutions.
Globe™ COP Capabilities Globe is a globe-based system for network-centric multi-dimensional visualization and interactive exploitation and intelligent fusion of heterogeneous data sources and sensors over ubiquitous networks.
Globe™ COP Features 1 Network-centric: Network-centric: Distributive Distributive Collaborative Collaborative Portability Portability GSN Viewer GSN Server GSN Admin GSN Publisher GSN Builder DEM Symbol Database Raster Images Attribute Databases Analysis Tools Vector Databases Internet Internet
Globe™ COP Features 2 Interoperable: Scalable (data sources or systems) Rapid deployment Risk mitigation Standards for data/systems From Vendor B From Vendor A From Vendor C A system of systems
Globe™ COP Features 3 Multi-dimensional, -temporal and -resolution (3M) 2D/3D/4D Multi-media support (doc, pictures, ….) Database support GsnServer
Globe™ COP Features 4 Interactive Image Exploitation (patent-pending) 3D information extraction from single images (no stereo) Measure heights of towers, buildings, bridges or volume of warehouses etc Build 3D site maps of anywhere in the world form satellite or aerial images. 3D San Diego Downtown Generated from single 1-m IKONOS in 2 hours
See Anywhere and Measure Everywhere (SAME) Yongbyon Nuclear Facility Generated from Single Digital Globe Satellite Image (0.6m)
Globe™ COP Features 5 Intelligent Sensor Fusion Sensor Web Connection SensorML (OGC) Sensor Web Concept: NASA/GSFC: 2000 Survey of Distributed Spacecraft Technologies and Architectures for NASA’s Earth Science Enterprise in the Timeframe
What is Sensor Web ? A n electronic skin of the planet earth
‘Seeded’ sensors for massive data collection in the field
Globe™ COP Features 6 Unique spatial streaming (patent in-process) Progressive no-compression algorithms Extremely fast transmission of image/terrain/map data Extremely fast transmission of real-time sensor data
Disaster Management Information System
What can Globe do for you? Demonstrated at JWID’2004 Situation Awareness Mission Planning Plume Modeling and Simulation