Kendal at Longwood Cottages Expansion Project Sustainable Development & LEED Certification
(L eadership in E nergy & E nvironmental D esign) LEED is an internationally recognized green building certification system, providing third- party verification that a building or community was designed and built using strategies aimed at improving performance across the metrics that matter most: energy savings, water efficiency, CO2 emissions reduction, improved indoor environmental quality, and stewardship of resources and sensitivity to their impacts ( What is LEED?
Leed Rating Systems New Construction Existing Buildings: Operations and Maintenance Commercial Interiors Core and Shell Schools Retail Healthcare Homes Neighborhood Development
LEED points are awarded on a 100-point scale, and credits are weighted to reflect their potential environmental impacts Certified Silver Gold Platinum
1. Lowering operating costs and increasing asset value. 2. Reducing waste sent to landfills. 3. Conserving energy and water. 4. Developing healthier and safer buildings for occupants. 5. Creating compact and walkable communities with good access to neighborhood amenities and transit 6. Protecting natural resources and farmland by encouraging growth to be located in areas with existing infrastructure. 7. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions. 8. Qualifying for tax rebates, zoning allowances, and other incentives. 9. Demonstrating an owner's commitment to environmental stewardship and social responsibility. Environmental and Financial Benefits of LEED Certification
LEED for Homes Anticipated Certification Summary 1 BR w/ Den (1250 sf)79 points – GOLD 2 BR (1450 sf, 1395 sf*)78 points – GOLD 2 BR w/ Den (1775 sf)78.5 points – GOLD 2 BR w/ Den & Bsmt (3487 sf)77 points – SILVER * Small 2 BR recently added
LEED for Homes Home Construction Costs Typical Code Compliant Home $90 - $100 per SF $12,378,800 Total Estimated Home Construction Cost Kendal Cottages Project$100 - $110 per SF $13,681,920 Total Estimated Home Construction Cost $ 1,303,040 over a typical code compliant home
LEED for Homes Home Construction Costs Per Unit Typical Kendal Difference 1 BR Den $178,695 $197,505 $18,810 2 BR $215,840 $238,560 $22,720 2 BR Den $248,710 $274,890 $26,180 2 BR Den & Bsmt $431,110 $476,490 $45,380
LEED for Homes LEED Certification Soft Costs LEED & Sustainability Consultant $96,000 $96,000 LEED Inspections & Administration Fees$62,400 $2,600 per duplex USGBC Registration & Certification Fees $9,600 $375 per Duplex Total LEED Certification Soft Costs$168,000 Soft Cost per cottage$3,500
LEED CATEGORY: Energy and Atmosphere 30% Estimated Energy Reduction Strategies Increased Insulation Energy Star Rated Windows & Appliances CFL & LED Lighting Post Construction Performance Testing Geothermal Heat Pumps with Water Heating Feature High Efficiency Water Heaters
LEED CATEGORY: Energy and Atmosphere HVAC System ROI Analysis (2 BR Unit) Install Cost Operating Cost Return Typical Baseline Furnace $8,600 $3,630 baseline Geothermal Heat Pump $20,656 $1, years Water Heating System ROI Analysis (2 BR Unit) Install Cost Operating Cost Return Standard Gas WH$500 $618 baseline Gas WH w/ Desuperheater$750 $ years
LEED CATEGORY: Sustainable Sites Site Design Strategies No Invasive Plants 100% Drought Tolerant Plants Surface Water Management 85% permeable surfaces 2 retention & infiltration basins Multiple drainage areas seeded with native grasses & wildflowers Nontoxic Pest Controls Pest Proof Screens Wood Protection
LEED CATEGORY: Water Efficiency Water Conservation High-Efficiency Faucets, Showers, & Toilets Estimated 25% water savings (1,000 gallons per month per unit) Showers 1.75 gallons per minute Faucets1.5 gallons per minute Toilets1.20 gallons per flush No Irrigation Required
LEED CATEGORY: Materials and Resources Sustainable Materials Selection Detailed Framing Documentation Lumber Waste Reduction Construction Waste Reduction – 88% Diversion Environmentally Preferable Products LinoleumCarpetConcrete Gypsum BoardInsulationPEX Pipe PaintLow-VOC Materials
LEED CATEGORY: Indoor Environmental Quality Indoor Environmental Quality Strategies No Combustion Equipment HVAC System High Performance Air Filters Dehumidification System Kitchen Exhaust System Post Construction Performance Testing Construction Features Garage Pollutant Protection Radon Resistant Construction Pre-occupancy Building Flush-out
LEED CATEGORY: Awareness and Education Optimizing Sustainable Elements Homeowner Education Operations & Maintenance Manual Operations Training Building Manager Training Operations & Maintenance Manual Operations Training
LEED CATEGORY: Innovation in Design Process Project Strategies Beyond LEED Native Habitat Restoration On-Site Sewage Treatment Green Cleaning & Housekeeping Visitable Design (Full ADA Accessibility) Waste Management and Recycling