Absolute Value Distance from zero on a number line
Absolute Value 5 = 5 The absolute value of 5 is 5 -5 = 5 The absolute value of -5 is 5
Absolute Value The distance away from zero = 42 = 2 4 steps to 0 2 steps to 0
Find the absolute value key on the HP 39G Absolute Value ABS
Simplify: 2-7 Absolute Value Simplify: 7-2 Calculator Emulator Simplify: - 7-2
Absolute Value Simplify: (2-7) 2 Simplify: -(2-7) 2 Simplify: - -(2-7) 2 Calculator Emulator
Put your calculator in scientific mode Absolute Value Simplify: (3.2 x 10 7 ) – (4.8 x 10 8 ) Calculator Emulator
Put your calculator in standard mode Absolute Value Simplify: (6.2 x ) – (7.8 x 10 9 ) Calculator Emulator
Solve: x = 4 Absolute Value What numbers work for x? 4 = 4 or -4 = 4 x could = 4 or x could = -4
Solve: x + 2 = 4 Absolute Value What numbers work for x? x + 2 could = 4 or x + 2 could = -4 x + 2 = x = 2 or x + 2 = x = Always check your answers
x + 4 > 6 Absolute Value x + 4 > 6 x + 4 could be bigger than 6 x + 4 < - 6 x + 4 could be less than -6 x + 4 > x > 2 x + 4 < x <
Absolute Value x + 4 < 6 x + 4 < 6 x + 4 could be less than 6 x + 4 > -6 x + 4 could be bigger than < x + 4 < 6 that means x + 4 could be between -6 and 6 -6 < x + 4 < < x < 2
“Nothing yet. How about you Newton?”