REDUCE REUSE RECYCLE Making pillows from old items
THE DEFINITION OF RECYCLE To reprocess something already used.
THE BEGINNING We first started off with mums pyjama bottoms and an old neck pillow – both were going to be thrown out, then I shouted NO! they could be recycled!
MEASURING AND CUTTING First we folded the pyjama legs in half and then measured the size of the pillow which was 48cm. The tools I used were a tape measure and a piece of tailors chalk. Secondly I cut the material the right size using material cutting scissors.
MESSING AROUND ! Thirdly I was messing around with the spare piece of the pyjama bottoms - Like my shorts?!
HEMMING In order to stop the material fraying I had to hem it and I measured it 2cm long on each end.
PREPARING THE STUFFING I then took off the neck pillow covering to get the stuffing out. This would then be used to fill the pillows.
PREPARING THE SEWING MACHINE Mum & I then set up the sewing machine for a test run – I’d never used a sewing machine before. Mum showed me how to thread the needle, load the bobbin and use the foot pedal.
TEST RUN I am doing a test run on the sewing machine using the old pillow covering. My foot pressed the pedal to make the needle go up and down. Mum says I did very well! After the test run I stitched the hems of the actual pillow together at each end.
THE HOLE I am showing you the hole I left in one end of the pillow, which would be needed to add the stuffing from the neck pillow.
STUFFING I then stuffed the pillow. I used the wide end of a knitting needle to push the stuffing into the corners.
SEWING Here I am sewing up the hole left in the pillow. I used a needle and thread and a stitch taught to me by Mrs Sully!
FINISHED Here is the finished result.
Other Ways My Family Could Recyle Old Clothes, etc Make toys, e.g. sock puppet Male items such as pillows, cushions, door stops, etc. Hand them down to friends or family Sell it on the web Hold a car boot sale Give it to a charity either through a shop or by door-to-door collection bags Send it to an orphanage Put it in a clothes or shoe bank