Meade Memorial Library1 ACCESSING CHURCH HISTORY RESOURCES Internet Stuff you can check out (circulating) Reference works Journals and periodicals THIS PRESENTATION IS ACCESSIBLE ON THE LIBRARY COMPUTERS
Meade Memorial Library2 Internet Sites you might like: Theology from A Bunch of Dead GuysTheology from A Bunch of Dead Guys™ Ante-Nicene Fathers - The Writings of the Fathers Down to A.D. 325 Guide to Early Church Documents NOBTS Church History Resources
Meade Memorial Library3 Stuff you can check out (circulating resources) Favorite places to look for church history in the MEADE MEMORIAL LIBRARY: 270 Christian church history 271 Religious orders in church history 272 Persecutions in church history 273 Heresies in church history The 900’s To help you find your way around: Dewey Decimal System of library classificationDewey Decimal System of library classification
Meade Memorial Library4 Stuff you can check out (Interlibrary Loan) Where to look for books in other libraries First Search Authorization: Password: xnner2hxp Select “World Cat” When you select a book we don’t have, ask a librarian to place an Interlibrary Loan request Remember to allow time for the book to arrive
Meade Memorial Library5 Reference Works: REF 270’S Start looking in: Schaff, Philip: History of the Christian Church REF 270 SCH (also available for checking out: 270 SCH )History of the Christian Church Latourette, Kenneth Scott: A History of the Expansion of Christianity REF 270 LAT (also available for checking out: 270 LAT) Church History Dictionaries: Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church REF CRO Church History Encyclopedias: Encyclopedia of Early Christianity REF FER
Meade Memorial Library6 Reference Works: Atlases It always helps to have maps and pictures: The Times Atlas of World History REF 911 TIM Atlas of the Christian Church REF CHA New Bible Atlas REF Atlas of the World’s Religions REF 912 SMA
Meade Memorial Library7 Journals & Periodicals Some journals & periodicals we hold in the library: Church History Christian History Christian Century Journal of Ecclesiastical History JETSJETS (Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society) Bib Sac (Bibliotheca Sacra)
Meade Memorial Library8 Finding Articles in the Library Check the print journal indexes Religion Index One Christian Periodical Index When you find an article you like, check the Meade Memorial Library Holdings List Some journals have their own indexes Browse in a particular journal title section
Meade Memorial Library9 Finding Articles in the Library Go online: First Search Authorization: Password: xnner2hxp Select “Article First” When you find an article you like, check the Meade Memorial Library Holdings List
Meade Memorial Library10 Journals & Periodicals When you want full-text journal articles online: First Search Authorization: Password: xnner2hxp Select “Article First” $.05 per page you print
Meade Memorial Library11 Ask for Help Access is our most important mission! The Director and Staff of the Meade Memorial Library encourage you to ask for assistance So, please take a moment and ask In addition, you may questions to