Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is too keep your mind young. Henry Ford
Sustainable Learning in the Community – Raising awareness of older people’s competencies and identifying new opportunities for learning and engagement –
Partners Coordination Austrian Red Cross (AT) Partners Ring Österreichischer Bildungswerke (AT) Research Institute of the Red Cross (AT) Adult Education Centre- City of Helsinki (FI) Lunaria (IT) Budapest Cultural Centre (HU) PRIAE (UK) Inteval Limited (UK) University of Strathclyde (UK) Evaluation ISIS - Institute for Social Infrastructure (GE)
Aims of SLIC Develop new practical ways to review past experiences and personal skills Explore new and potential opportunities for learning and community engagement Improving older learners‘ and volunteers‘ self-confidence and sense of identity Promote active aging
SLIC- project plan WP RES 12/2007 – 5/2008 Collecting existing portfolios, certificates, etc. Consultation with older people in the community National overview report European overview report WP PREP 1/ WP PREP 2 6/2008 – 5/20095/2008 Design of workshop Personal skills profile with action plan and SLIC-certificate Carrying out 1 trial workshop per partner
Competence Workshops 9 two-day workshops in 6 countries 103 participants Main parts of the WS were: –Individual skills profile –Personal action plan Opportunity to think about past experiences Getting information about possibilities to be active Hearing stories from other participants
Project plan WP RES 12/2007 – 5/2008 Collecting existing portfolios, certificates, etc. Consultation with older people in the community National overview report European overview report WP PREP 1/ WP PREP 2 6/2008 – 5/20095/2008 Design of workshop Personal skills profile with action plan and SLIC-certificate Carrying out 1 trial workshop per partner WP PREP 3 6/2009 – 1/2010 Handbook Leaflet
Where can I find more information on SLIC Information on SLIC, the workshops and the handbook, the partners and more background information can be found under:
The workshop helped us to reflect on our experienes and skills which were acquired during life. Also people who thought in the beginning that they don‘t have any skills discovered during the course of the two-days that they also have skills. Maria Grazia, Italian workshop participant