Definitions Stereotype - Generalizations about people that are based on limited, sometimes inaccurate information from sources, i.e. - cartoons - comic books - second hand information - *media - minimal contact - institutions
Prejudice A negative opinion about a person or group of people based on ethnicity, religion, dress, sex, sexual orientation, age, ability, etc. A negative opinion about a person or group of people based on ethnicity, religion, dress, sex, sexual orientation, age, ability, etc.Discrimination Noting differences Racial Discrimination – noting differences between members of humanity based members of humanity based on melanin on melanin
Racism The belief that an ethnic group is inferior or superior to other groups The belief that an ethnic group is inferior or superior to other groups - power differentiation Xenophobia The fear or dislike of foreigners or strangers
Stereotypes - Predictions about people based on incomplete information about their culture, colour, sex, sexual orientation, religion, age, class, ability or ethnicity - reduce individuals to a rigid image - tend to dehumanize people, placing all members into one category - stereotypes lead to prejudice, discrimination and in extreme cases, genocide
Why do we stereotype? - Evolutionary advantage? - need to ‘read’ person/people before approaching approaching it allows us to fill in missing pieces of information, (albeit, inaccurate information) - gives us a base line from which to interact
Example: You are walking through the park at night and see three senior citizens, in fur coats and with canes, walking toward you. You are walking through the park at night and see three senior citizens, in fur coats and with canes, walking toward you. Do you feel threatened? Why/Why not?
You are walking through the park at night and see three teenagers wearing leather jackets, walking toward you. You are walking through the park at night and see three teenagers wearing leather jackets, walking toward you. Feel threatened? Feel threatened? Why/Why not? Why/Why not?