UNHCR/eCentre/InterWorks - Emergency Management Training SIMULATION Session 4.1.
UNHCR/eCentre/InterWorks - Emergency Management Training Simulation Objectives 1.Simulate an actual refugee emergency situation 2.Identify key issues associated with refugee relief operations 3.Provide concept of protection and emergency relief operations as a whole, a set of systems 4.To raise awareness of the “Management Environment” and the constraints on managers 5.To provide a common reference point for the rest of the workshop
UNHCR/eCentre/InterWorks - Emergency Management Training Required Activities Regular reports Ordering food and medicines Arranging shipments Arranging distribution, accounting Teamwork
UNHCR/eCentre/InterWorks - Emergency Management Training Map of Suremia Airport or Landing Strip Mountains Sea Unpaved Roads National Borders Paved Roads River Vares Turos Xynas Wasaville Umaras River Wasser TULERA MARDON kilometers SUREMIA
UNHCR/eCentre/InterWorks - Emergency Management Training Food Movement Possible Delivery Routes Within and Into Suremia UNHCR/E QMD/E WFP/E OSP SARR UNHCR/BO WFP/SHQ Turos SARR Regional Warehouse Umaras SARR/DC Xynas SARR/DC UNHCR/SO QMD/SHQ SARR/DC Xynas Refugees Wasaville Refugees Umaras Refugees Wasaville SCAD
UNHCR/eCentre/InterWorks - Emergency Management Training Medical Movements Routes by which vaccines must be ordered from and delivered to in Suremia UNHCR/E QMD/E WFP/E Vares OSP SARR UNHCR/BO WFP/SHQ Turos SARR Regional Warehouse Umaras SARR/DC Xynas SARR/DC UNHCR/SO QMD/SHQ SARR/DC Xynas Refugees Wasaville Refugees Umaras Refugees Wasaville Orders Deliveries SCAD
UNHCR/eCentre/InterWorks - Emergency Management Training Flow of Funds Organizational links through which funds are made available to locations in Suremia Europe UNHCR/E QMD/E WFP/E Vares OSP UNHCR/BO SARR WFP/SHQ Turos SARR Regional Warehouse Umaras SARR/DC Xynas QMD/SHQ UNHCR/SO SARR/DC Xynas Refugees S C A D Wasaville Refugees Umaras Refugees Wasaville Major Donor
UNHCR/eCentre/InterWorks - Emergency Management Training Truck Routes Types of transport to be used between locations Donor Vares Turos Umaras Xynas Wasaville any type of truck 10 ton trucks ship route
UNHCR/eCentre/InterWorks - Emergency Management Training Clock / Calendar Orientation Month Zero Month One Month Two Month Three Month Four Month Five Month Six Debriefing 1700 Adjourn
UNHCR/eCentre/InterWorks - Emergency Management Training Procedures Mail: deliver/collect your own mail to the post office Memos: Simulation Administrator sends certain roles regular memos Memos on sudden or important changes are also sent out
UNHCR/eCentre/InterWorks - Emergency Management Training The Mailboxes NAME Your name is below your box. NAME box above
UNHCR/eCentre/InterWorks - Emergency Management Training Procedures (cont.) Message form: white, pink, yellow Place Administrator’s yellow copy in Administrator’s mail box For Reports: use Message Form but label “Report” except UNHCR who has a Situation Report form For Orders: use Message Form but label “Order”
UNHCR/eCentre/InterWorks - Emergency Management Training Procedures (cont.) Shipments: Envelopes for ship, plane or truck sent to mailboxes only Envelopes must be returned to the sender, or the transport will be considered “out of action” Sales: Administrator is responsible for food, truck, ship sales, and vaccine sales Vaccine has no weight or volume
UNHCR/eCentre/InterWorks - Emergency Management Training Procedures (cont.) Distributions: To refugees Food or medicine must be actually handed to them, not just placed in the mailbox. Monthly Calculation Report See format
UNHCR/eCentre/InterWorks - Emergency Management Training Procedures (cont.) Site Visits: Participants are free to make site visits, as stated in role guides -- except in Month Zero when you may meet only with staff from your agency Additional Supplies: Extra message forms, etc., you can get them from the Simulation Administrator Important Concerns: Review Participant’s Guide
UNHCR/eCentre/InterWorks - Emergency Management Training Who is Who in Suremia
UNHCR/eCentre/InterWorks - Emergency Management Training Map of Suremia Map of Suremia [edit to fit training facility] Europe (& Simulation Admin) (2 nd Floor) Refugee Camps: Umaras: Room 707 Wasaville: Room 806 Xynas: Room 710 OSP SCADWFP/SHQ UNHCR/BO SARR/HQ SARR/DC/ UMARAS SARR/DC/ WASAVILLE SARR/WAREHOUSE AT TUROS SARR/DC/ XYNAS QMD/SHQ UNHCR/SO MAJOR DONOR WFP/E UNHCR/GQMD/E MEDIA ADMIN LUNCH TABLE Vares Xynas POST
UNHCR/eCentre/InterWorks - Emergency Management Training Wear Your Badge! MY NAME Language
UNHCR/eCentre/InterWorks - Emergency Management Training Check List Participant guide role guide Map Role list Calculators, pens, forms
UNHCR/eCentre/InterWorks - Emergency Management Training Synchronize Watches 0900
UNHCR/eCentre/InterWorks - Emergency Management Training Group Discussions Problems (organizational, refugee concerns, etc.) encountered Solutions found Opportunities lost Team management, leadership, communications