E-POSTER PRESENTATION MPhild/Phd By Mrs R Poloogadoo
RESEARCH TITLE “The problems and prospects of teaching Telugu as a second language in Mauritius”
STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM Telugu language is the ancestral language of the Telugu people in Mauritius Not their mother tongue (L1) Taught as a second language very much less exposure to this language
STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM Optional subject – many parents and students do not show much interest in this subject Many students lack the necessary proficiency and competence to communicate effectively in Telugu
STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM There is a lack of facilities like -teaching materials (textbooks) -dictionaries -well-furnished library -exposure through the media All these might contribute to make TL teaching difficult and challenging
AIMS OF THIS STUDY To highlight the strengths and weaknesses of the teaching Telugu as a second language in Mauritius To help teachers and students in their endeavour
OBJECTIVES OF THIS STUDY To identify the difficulties that teachers encounter in the teaching process To determine the learning difficulties of the Telugu students To find solutions for these difficulties To investigate the methodology which is being used to teach Telugu in Mauritius
THE RESEARCH QUESTIONS What are the problems that teachers face while teaching Telugu? What are the problems that students face while learning Telugu? What is the impact of these problems on the teaching and learning process?
THE RESEARCH QUESTIONS How are these problems being met? What are the effective ways and means to deal with these problems? What are the prospects of teaching Telugu as a second language in Mauritius?
LITERATURE REVIEW Still reading and exploring the existing works related to my research topics Come across other researches done in the field of English, French Need to read more and review other works on Telugu as a second language
METHODOLOGY The methods which I will use for my research project are: the qualitative approach the quantitative approach
SAMPLING Purposive Target group – the students of 8 secondary schools and 2 MGI colleges All the secondary schools Telugu teachers -20
RESEARCH METHODS Survey method Documentary and content analysis - to evaluate the Telugu textbooks
DATA COLLECTION TOOLS Interview survey questionnaire Observation triangulation
DATA ANALYSIS The techniques to be used for managing data are: coding, annotating, labelling, selection, summary
DATA INTERPRETATION In order to make sense of the data, charts, graphs and concept maps will be used a critical friend will be consulted in order to get other perspectives
FINDINGS The findings will be discussed The report will be written
EXPECTED OUTCOMES The findings of this research are intended to make an original contribution to research beneficial to teachers, students and other stakeholders
EXPECTED OUTCOMES The problems/challenges that teachers face while teaching Telugu will come to light The findings will show the impact of these problems/challenges on the teachers and the students This research will reveal the effective ways and means to deal with these problems/challenges
TEACHERS Will come to know whether the teaching approaches they have been using are appropriate or not Understand their students better Be able to plan learning activities according to their abilities, needs and styles Be able to select appropriate materials Will be in a better position to apply better evaluation techniques Motivated to teach Telugu
STUDENTS Will get well-equipped teachers Increase their motivation to learn Telugu Their language proficiency will increase and will be able to express themselves Can expect good results
OTHER STAKEHOLDERS This study will inform the curriculum planners about the needs of the Telugu curriculum Inform the government and the NCCRD about the need to design textbooks in Telugu They will realize the importance of pre-service training to develop teacher competency and expertise
OTHER STAKEHOLDERS Organization of pedagogical club for collegial sharing The Telugu socio-cultural institutions will be more aggressive in their endeavour to preserve and promote Telugu language and culture Heads of school will provide a conducive learning environment – producing good quality results
CONCLUSION Telugu teaching is a challenge This is a small attempt on my part -to find the problems in teaching Telugu in Mauritius and -provide possible suggestions to improve the situation